I installed Arch Linux and IM LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learned so much already, best decision I’ve ever made

  • 11
    And thus, we lost another soul today.
  • 5
    Good for you, dude!
  • 2
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    I'm sure this is just the first step towards making better decisions from now
  • 5
    Who's menacing you to say that ?
  • 8
    "btw I use Arch"
  • 4
    Next step: Gentoo!
  • 4
    *I LOVE IT

    Saying "I'm loving it" means that you are currently making love to the object referred to as "it".

    As a side note, fuck McDonald's.
  • 3
    @Haxk20 Wat. Nothing boasting systemd can ever be as good as something without systemd. Fact!
  • 1
    @Haxk20 arch is better. Binary packages without local compiling, modifying of official packages possible, easy repos and its usually stable enough for private servers.
  • 1
    Pls no, don't make anyone believe that Gentoo is a good distro.
    Its only actual advantage is, that its non-systemd, but since the number of non-systemd distros is rising, that a moot point.
  • 2
    Manjaro fans line up
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    I consider mainstream distros like ubuntu better for work. I just don’t have time to recompile the kernel or configure services from the ground up every time i need something done
  • 0
    @sandeepbalan "Manjaro fans line up" so I lined up
  • 0
    @metamourge Gentoo is a good distro, you can run it with systemd even and there are arch versions without systemd. Part what I like with Gentoo is that its package manager portage is really nice to use and you can set flags to compile your packages in a way that suits you. I have never experienced any issues through updating either whilst having recent builds or the most recent
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