Hello Everyone!

This is my first post on devRant. Looking forward to reading and participating in other great posts!

  • 13
    Welcome to devRant, you have been randomly chosen from this weeks pool of newcomers as tribute for our weekly sacrificial ritual, we must please the dev gods during this unmonitored and unmanned production period.
  • 3
    Hi welcome to devapp
  • 7
    @C0D4 I am ready... must please the Dev gods!
  • 2
    Thanks! @tekashi
  • 4
    @Haxk20 it's been an hour, I'm not sure @hecsantiago survived the ritual.
  • 4
    I had to take some time to recover from the initiation, but I’m now working on content to post based on the inspiration from the Dev gods. @C0D4
  • 5
    @hecsantiago the dev gods favour you, you have been rewarded with an avatar, little green dot.
  • 3
    it is now official! 🙌🏽 @C0D4
  • 2
    Then welcome to the chaos! :-)

    Ah just saying, the "devrant" tag is for stuff related to the devRant platform itself.
  • 2
    I am new to the app so it is devRant news! Lol but I’ll make sure to do better next time :) @Fast-Nop
  • 4
    @hecsantiago if every new schmuck with a terrible english here had your attitude devrant would be a much better place.
  • 4

    You've passed the test.
  • 3
    The rant is talking about devRant, so it fits nicely in the #devRant category @Fast-Nop 🙂
  • 6
    Root has given you her blessing, welcome!
  • 3
    Thank you all! :)
  • 2
    @Root It isn't about devRant, it's about the OP having boarded, so it's a story, which is "rant".

    Cross check: what do you want to read when you filter for "devrant"? New members or discussions / announcements about devRant?
  • 7
    @Fast-Nop he managed to not post a meme or spam link to a washing machine company... do we really need to nitpick on his first rant, he's miles ahead of the regular newbies.
  • 3
    @C0D4 Yeah you're right, that's why I didn't bitch around as usual and just put it for future reference.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop Fair. But I don't particularly want to see new member announcements under #rant either.

    Enough chat. Welcome!
  • 3
    “Other great posts”... was joke tsg automatically disabled?
  • 4
    Welcome, @hecsantiago 🖖

    Then, fellow nodes, appease the dev gods thus the resources be in our favour.
    And may thy code run across systems 'til /dev/null/ come.
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