I am at a hotel and these fuckers are blocking outbound connections to port 22. They are also blocking access to any websites mentioning proxy or vpn, seriously fuck them. I managed to get a VNC connection open to one of my servers and I am now trying to set up a VPN tunnel to my servers so I can fucking do my work. >:-(

  • 8
    Why is everyone using vpn when a simple proxy is more than enough?

    - change ssh port to your srv
    - ssh srv -p 122 -l bytecode -D 7788
    - set system proxy server to localhost:7788
    - go
  • 2
    @netikras well, because they are already interfering with the traffic I no longer trust their network, if they just blocked some ports I would be ok with it, but analyzing the traffic and blocking only requests for certain regexed domains is shady as fuck
  • 1
    @bytecode ssh traffic is encrypted
  • 0
    Next time just hack the network they use for VOD. There's either an extra WiFi or a network cable going to the TV. If it's cable, 95/100 times it's just plug&play, no security. For WiFi you usually need to crack the password but that's a breeze because even if their screens are up to date I've never seen VOD network security upgraded over WEP era.
  • 1
    @cprn they did not really have anything like that, they had a few channels delivered via coaxial cable... and among them muxed some security camera feeds :D you could literally watch someone go for a swim in the pool or follow someone to their room via the camera feeds
  • 0
    @bytecode Change the channel to watch thy neighbour... that I haven't seen yet. :D
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