I think it's JavaScript turn 😁.
It seems Python haters have gone to rest.

  • 9
    Why not VBA? Come on, VBA does suck.
  • 3
    I'm all with you on that.
    This clusterfuck of a language needs to die.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop I had to debug a VBA script once, and I never want to look at the language again.
  • 6
    Placing the processing load on the client, inconsistent loosey-goosey syntax, creating pages for which the html source cannot be viewed. JavaScript is a hack of a hack of a hack, yet against all reason and best practices, it's the basis for all of the world's top websites.

    I hate JavaScript.
  • 1
    @bahua And yet, all of that has applications. You don't want thin clients, now less than ever, because the high latency of mobile networks would make that awful. That's why you need something to thange the HTML and CSS client-side at runtime. Thing is - only where it makes fucking sense and not for doing shit in JS that HTML and CSS can readily do on their own.
  • 1
    (0.1 + 0.2) != 0.3
  • 1
    @CaptainRant Oh hi there float precision
  • 2
    Fuck JS, but fuck VBA even more.
  • 0
    So, if people hate JavaScript and python, what is everyone's favored dynamic html presentation language?
  • 2
    In some alternative universe javascript is postponed and VBScript is all over the microsoft world wide web ©
  • 2
    @vane Oh yeah and liverslight.
  • 0
    @bahua A computer is a bunch of sand we tricked into thinking, remember that when you say something is a "hack"
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