Besides all the creepy stuff going around deepin, I have to say it's the first distro that made forget I was using Linux.

  • 2
    that bad, eh?
  • 0
    @netikras explain yourself.
  • 1
    Deepin is an odd one.

    There's been nothing specific released that would say it is spyware, but there was an incident in 2018 that had the OS hitting the Chinese equivalent of Google Analytics to collect data.

    But there's the entire fact it's Chinese owned that gives it a bad taste in the mouth since we all know how China are with data mining their own population.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Agree, and considering Huawei is backing them up releasing laptops with deepin preinstalled makes it even more suspicious lol, but credits to the designers because visually at least is a really good proposal.
  • 2
    @eziotobi again, huewai as far as I know have nothing specific against them either, beyond some presidential propaganda that "they be bad"

    But then again, being Chinese owned and operated has its risks of being backdoored by the Chinese gov.

    As for deepin it's self, it's an elegant DE, shame there's nothing like it on another DE.
  • 0
    @eziotobi well if you forget you are using linux I assume it's bad. Does it feel more like windows?
  • 2
    @netikras not really, I've been learning to love Linux haha, but being fair most Linux distros are visually improvable, that's what i meant with "made me forget I was using Linux".
  • 0
    @eziotobi see, that's the thing. You don't need another distro to try out other visuals :) everything is installable.

    I wonder how come neither kde, nor gnome, unity or cinnamon desktop environments [guis] worked out for you.. :)
  • 0
    @netikras Because they're all half-assed crap.
  • 1
    @netikras yep, I'm still experimenting finding the right setup for me. But my inner windows user likes to have things preconfigured haha.
  • 0
    @eziotobi makes sense then.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop where? Somehow I haven't noticed neither gnome2 nor cinnamon being "half assed crap" over the last 10 years on either of my devices. Are you sure you're doing it right?
  • 0
    @netikras Gnome has always been a demented piece of shit, even before the Gnome3 disaster.

    On the other hand, Windows has also become garbage after Win7. That has probably lowered the bar considerably.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop windows vista/xp/98 UI is superior to windows 7 UI? Wow. Just... Wow...

    I'm slowly getting the picture of the type of person you are :)
  • 0
    @netikras Maybe you'll want to look up the meaning of "after".

    Win7 is hands doown the best desktop OS I've ever had (and than includes Linux of course).
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop IMO W10 UI is still better than Vista. Or any older ones. But that's just "Cow's opinion" :)
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