Californian PM: Hi team, can I get confirmation from you if your team will be picking up this ticket xyz, currently assigned to California team, in Q4 please. Thanks

Local Manager: Why would we pick it up if its assigned to the California team?

... tomorrow is my last day here ... i'm not unhappy about this

  • 2
    ....not unhappy...
  • 2
    @JFK422 trying to be polite and not rub it in. Local team are having a hard time and it won’t get better lol
  • 1
    Out of interest, where is "local"?
  • 0
    @Redders Western Europe, I talk shit about too many companies to give more ha
  • 0
    Haha, so you're "damn, all the decent engineers in silicon valley are taken" offshoring rather than "damn, we don't want to pay more than £10/hour" offshoring.
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    And no-one has heard from @practiseSafeHex after he allegedly left his horror company. Some say he still haunts them, making tickets disappear or shutting down the server while the CTO is making love.
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    @Charmesal hahaha

    I haven’t been on as I have (almost) nothing to rant about! Life is bliss. Working remotely from home. I’m the only iOS dev on the project so I have nobody telling how great react-native or RxSwift is. Get to keep things simple and get work done!

    Not taking down their servers, their own devs are good at that. I did leave them a lovely glassdoor review titled “hellhole” and listed the pros as “that feeling you get when you quit”
  • 0
    @practiseSafeHex sounds great man. I'm glad you've finally gotten to a good place. It's just a shame for us who loves your rants.
  • 1
    @Charmesal wrote one just for you
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