
Instagram has a new fact checking feature.

Total censorship here we come ✊🏻✊🏻

  • 26
    People that use Instagram should be censored, in all aspects of life
  • 5
    @Plasticnova woah aren't you just so edgy
  • 12
    Relying on others to check information is for fucking idiots anyway
  • 4
    @Stuxnet says the guy talking about total censorship because of some fact checking process.
  • 8
    @Plasticnova well it could obviously lead to censorship considering most people don't leave those environments. They basically could push their own "facts" while erasing others. If they wanted to.
  • 1
    @odite you can’t stop willfully ignorant people from being willfully ignorant. They will always hear what they want to, this is nothing new. Even you just said they won’t leave, that’s just who they are
  • 3
    @Plasticnova Yea ok using common sense and the already available fuck ton of examples of censorship on social media is as edgy as implying everyone that uses Instagram should be censored.

    Got it.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet I wasn’t being serious asshole. The obvious answer though is to quit bitching and stop using it
  • 4
    Why do people always argue "don't like it, don't use it" it's like you're ignorant to the fact that almost everyone is socially required to use this type of shit. May as well say "don't like it, ostracize yourself"
  • 4
    @odite Socially required? By and large, that's the opinion of people I wouldn't even want to be connected with.

    You could as well argue that not sticking one's dick into a crack whore ostracises one from a metric shitton of STDs.
  • 6
    @odite socially required, that’s some sad shit. Now I just feel bad for you
  • 2
    @shoop you can rely on good ol WhatsApp... Wait.... Facebook did what?
  • 6
    @odite you need to change your social circles if Instagram is socially required, mate.
    While I don't particularly mind someone else using it, I definitely would mind being forced to use it.
  • 0
    Maybe required wasn't the best word. Depends on the person you are, I suppose.
  • 0
    @Plasticnova You sound like a nerd putting on a Chad persona. Straight up just angry for no reason.
  • 2
    vibe check?
  • 1
    @odite I can’t be angry with you, I genuinely feel sorry for you. To feel pressured into using an app just to feel socially acceptable is truly a terrible thing.
  • 4
    @Plasticnova I'm not sure where you're from but (although it wouldn't hold in court) not using WhatsApp over here is a huge ass issue/thing and could, on rare occasions, cost you your job.

    It's nearly a fucking first life requirement over here. I don't use it and I know loads of people and I'm the only one I know who doesn't use it!

    But it can also land you into problems at study's and with social life, no kidding.
  • 0
    @linuxxx that’s getting close to being an episode of black mirror
  • 1
    @Plasticnova @linuxxx said it better than I could.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop if it be open, I be using it.

    Ok maybe not a crack whore, I don't particularly want to be amputated at the groin 😏

    Considering the state of the internet, and the dumb fucks on social networks who believe anything they are dished up, fact checking has had to become a thing to protect these dumb fucks from them selves.

    Fact checking isn't censorship, if it's done right, but then look at my past paragraph and reapply to this one.
  • 5
    @C0D4 The big question is: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who watches the watchers?

    It's not only that I'm a douchebag trying to show off having had Latin at school, it's also how old this question is, and that it's still remembered because it doesn't have an easy answer.
  • 0
    @shoop where I'm from, everyone uses whatsapp
  • 0
    @shoop Check my comment as for WhatsApp
  • 1
    @mdude72 Oh hey, another dutchie, yeah WhatsApp is nearly like a life requirement here. (I still refuse to use it)
  • 0
    @Plasticnova would you say the same political opposition? “If you dont like how government works, leave the country until next election”. Same kind of dummy.
  • 2
    @C0D4 who do you trust for fact checking? If your answer is people from your political alignment, you know you got the problem.
  • 2
    Eh, It's dumb and retarded but that doesn't mean it matters, the real facts and truths are still freely available on the internet or books. No idiot can change that if I decide Im going to prove him wrong on any platform.

    That being said, I dont use social media, none of them. When people want to talk to me or invite me they either chat, text or call me directly. Miss me with this instagram, twitter or facebook shit. Devrant is prolly the closest thing to a "social network" I use and even then only ocassionally.

    Im not really afraid of censorship as long as we have places on the internet where we can speak freely, the ignorant can stay ignorant while we keep learning :)
  • 1
    @Hazarth Same! Well, except for if you call messengers social media... then I do use Signal a lot.
  • 0
    @shoop Instagram is getting slightly close to the WhatsApp status in the Netherlands as well :/
  • 1
    @linuxxx i'm not actually dutch, but yeah, everyone uses it here (I have it, but I also refuse to use it haha)
  • 1
    @aviophile they aren’t the government, are you that stupid to think those two things are equal?
  • 2
    Lololololol the "fact" checkers flagged an Epstein didn't kill himself meme saying there's no evidence.

    Yea sure there's no evidence and I'm not breathing.
  • 0
    @C0D4 *if* it's done right.

    But it won't be. It's done by Facebook after all.
  • 1
    Who is doing the fact checking, Facebook staff?
    Please don't tell me it's an AI 😂
  • 2
    @Stuxnet Strange things happen. People kill themselves with a dozen bullets - right in the back. Police is unable to find any evidence. Case closed.
  • 0
    @Plasticnova insult shows you ran oot of argument. At this point, you are defending censorship from no -government entities. I accept your surrender.
  • 0
    @Hazarth what if you are blocked from the most popular platform? Do you think people will specifically bookmark your blog to hear from you? Are you ok with shouting in the forest where only couple people can hear you?
  • 0
    @aviophile so yeah, pretty damn stupid then

    How about you start your own instagram app and run it the way you want. As long as you don’t break any laws you can do as you please. Or you can continue to pretend that Instagram is equal to the government, like a dipshit would
  • 0
    @aviophile The thing is, if I have something important to say, Im not gonna say it on twitter... I might as well be blocked on all of them since I don't use them no? Nothing changes for me. I can build whole websites, and I know enough people, both online and offline, to discuss matters important to me in any topic at any time. I made myself independent of these platforms and of the internet in general and thus I don't feel threatened nor controlled by it.
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