
Let me just open by saying, I do enjoy a random post on the internet giving PHP a bit of appreciation.

But then I'm reminded why some people shouldn't be allowed to write articles for developers or junior developers when they them selves are oblivious to the content they are writing.

So... here I am scrolling down LinkedIn and spot this headline "why php is the best choice for 2020"

Well that caught my attention (you know, as a php dev spotting a positive php article and all), so I went and had a look and by god I was ready to rip my eyes out at the mis-information being written in this article.

I shall let you all enjoy the punishment I endured rather then bring spoilers


  • 4
    PHP is sooooo good because it supports HTML.
  • 5
    It's fucking burning eyes those stupid guys doing these articles, I came from a C++ background and one company I was working on we were going to do new services for API's implementations because it was a very legacy code of classic asp and was impossible to keep maintaining it running.

    I worked with a lot languages on my life (PHP, C++, Python and etc...) and when I give the suggestion of using PHP I got the answer "are you crazy? Did you see what kind of work this jerk does?", and I didn't understand it because all my friends are good developers and I consider myself also a good developer and the manager showed to me an article like this...

    In fact, should be against the law some people work in IT.

    IT should be like the healthcare field, if you an idiot, no more work for you and get a bad reputation for the rest of your life...
  • 3
    Why? WHY I always have to click and I knew this was coming and yet clicked the same!!!! WHYYYYYY?!?!
  • 1
    @messhias Not gonna happen, doing a big fuckup in IT is for the most part not the end of the world, so the workers do not have the equivalent supervision and "careful mindset" as (I'm assuming) they need in healthcare. Also, both fields in my country are severely lacking personnel, so there ya go.

    Also, the author describes herself as a "Technology consultant" which doesn't exactly read "developer". It seems like she's not actually addressing developers, but on the other hand, she clearly is.
  • 4
    "Technology consultant in a leading IT company specializing in Web, Mobile and enterprise solution, IoT, Blockchain, ML, AI, AR, VR, BigData." Buzzwords galore much
  • 2
    @theuser The author also has every current buzzword im their description the first of which is blockchain, this is meme level bullshit
  • 1


    This works or could be my cache
  • 1
    @JustThat It somehow works for me in all other browsers + current browser incognito
  • 4
    Behold the wayback machine


    Ps. Enjoy your time in hell
  • 3

    I was curious, I had too look. I was naive.

    Nothing could have been prepared for the horror that awaited me.

    Careful, my fellow traveler. Don't go there. Ignorance truly can be a bliss.
  • 4
    This article is comedy gold!

    (PHP is) "Based on the user-friendly feature "

    Of course, everyone knows the user-friendly!

    "PHP programming language is familiar with the Syntax"

    Ahh yes, Syntax, Lord of the Void.

    "The memory space feature helps to process the faster speed."


    Alright. The profile of the writer is clearly fake, there is no way any English speaking person from the US writes/talks like this.
  • 2
    And it's gone!

    The author has apparently deleted the linked article (or was it removed?).
  • 2
    @slashasdf Maybe he/she realized that the article was gold level shit, or maybe the fellow devs downvoted that article. ( The latter seems more probable, guessing from comments on that post )
  • 2
    @AvyChanna I think they deleted it, it attracted a lot of incredibly negative comments on dev.to
  • 1
    Why does that article sound so much like an advertisement lmao
  • 1
    @slashasdf you are correct, clearly fake.

    combining tinEye with google image search, I found this stock video page: https://shutterstock.com/video/...
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