Scala vs Kotlin, which one would you choose, and why?

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    1) i highly prefer functional
    2) kotlin doesnt have option type
    3) kotlin compiles to disgusting bytecode, i dont know if there are performance issues bc of that but still
    4) an actual ecosystem, not just java libs repackaged
    5) lot more documentation and community support
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    groovy 😅 no really I mean it
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    @tekashi great points, thanks :)
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    @mojo2012 hahaha :D I haven't used Groovy ever though :/ Gotta check.
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    scala still compiles to the jvm. Same as kotlin. They are both java derivatives. I don't prefer any of them, I just avoid jvm in general.
    Groovy... well, if you really like your curly braces - then groovy will be fine.
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    Use java !
    Java is cool, i find not only reason to switch to any of its derivatives
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    If you're ysing JVM, its a pain. Switch to compiled languages and you'll be better off.

    That said, Kotlin looks to be on the upward swing in usage and adoptability, whereas scala appears to be on the downturn... So Kotlin
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