We are all living in each other's paranoia

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    Luckily privacy isn't a myth ;)
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    Eh yo man your father is a myth.
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    Wrong, i live in hungary
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    You're a myth.
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    @Jilano shut the fuck up w*sterner
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    we truly live in a society
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    @netikras Because then we, and about the entire world would be completely fucked already or would have been wiped out looong ago.
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    @linuxxx why wipe out someone who you can benefit from? :)
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    @linuxxx IMO we are already fucked.

    Yeah, you can remove your social accounts.
    Yeah, you can use only opensource hardware/software
    Yeah, you can not to share your personal details willingly here and there

    But you cannot control the crowd you are in. And the crowd has smartphones in their hands with their cameras and microphones allegedly turned off. Or so "fruits" and "robots" want them to bellieve..

    You cannot control google's (and others') satelites that can make amazingly great photos

    You cannot control drivers' dashcams passing by, recording your face in various places and uploading those recordings to china's servers (blackvue, I'm looking at you!)

    You cannot control the hardware that ISPs and mobile network providers use (they like Huawei btw) and you cannot control whether or not your conversations and triangulated locations are transferred to third parties without the other two knowing.

    All this info is enough to make your profile. And go on from that point forward.
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    @netikras I have no clue what you mean but privacy being a myth implies that it doesn't exist.

    Which would come down to...

    - everyone being able to access any device/account in the world (these aren't accessible to security measures often implemented for privacy reasons)
    - nobody wearing clothes (since they protect ones privacy as for making sure that nobody can see under your clothes..)
    - crypto either not existing or being backdoored/flawed meaning everyone could see everything encrypted in plaintext as well which would lead to global economy collapse and such...
    - many more stuff like this.

    But, if its a myth in a way that it never existed... we wouldn't be here right now as we'd have wiped ourselves out before reaching this point in evolution :)
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    - everyone being able to access any device/account in the world
    > Not everyone. But some particular people/companies can (I believe so)

    - nobody wearing clothes
    > Do you apply a sticker on your phone's cams when you're on a pooper? Or having a shower? I don't :)

    - crypto either not existing or being backdoored/flawed meaning ...
    > As far as SSL is concerned -- it IS flawed. All it requires is a particular CA added to the truststore. Can't device manufacturers (fruits and robots) do that remotely?

    - many more stuff like this.
    > indeed. When you come to think about it you see all those posibilities. And seeing what kind of shit was/is FB doing it's hard to believe noone is using all those other posiblities :)
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    @netikras I think you entirely missed my point haha.

    And I do have a sticker switch thingy on my phone but I don't use it on the toilet or in the bathroom (I never got that concept).

    My point was that privacy exists since its literally impossible to live without.
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    @linuxxx well it DOES exist to some extent [was that your point?]. I agree with you there. But we have significantly less privacy than we think we do.
    And I don't think it's possible to live a completely private life.
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    @netikras Yup that's pretty much my point, thus making that its not a myth 😄
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