
When a bug becomes a feature

  • 3
    Specs not clear. Had to improvise over the final weekend
  • 1
    @M1sf3t that reminds me of Python. Don't ask why....
  • 0
    @M1sf3t Prolly you're right.
  • 1
    This image redefines the quote: "if you only have a hammer, you see every problem as a nail."
  • 0
    To be honest, that would still be a pretty effective murder weapon. 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    My saying goes a little further, if the hammer doesn’t solve every nail problem, you should grab a bigger hammer.
  • 1
    @edw1o1 lool ill keep that in mind
  • 0
    I love how accurate this is
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