
Why can't I pick a programming language and just stick with it? Anyone else constantly exploring new languages?

  • 7
    Because there's no perfect language?

    And how constantly are you exploring new ones? Monthly once is fine
  • 3
    About to learn Dart
  • 6
    Because programming languages are beautiful and there is many of them. I love learning them too.
  • 8
    Because they are fun to learn, but not that fun to solve actual problems.
  • 3
    It’s good to know more than one language. Some languages preform better in certain scenarios or maybe there’s a way that is quicker/easier to write.
  • 2
    Oh yes, I tend to do that too
  • 3
    Thank you, guys! You have put my mind at ease! I thought I was the only one for a second. I always see people saying, CHOOSE A LANGUAGE AND STICK TO IT! I find that SO boring and somewhat counter active.
  • 1
    Easy fix: just get a job programming in primarily one language and then after work you will be too burned out to try anything new!
  • 1
    @asgs Rust is the perfect language :)
  • 0

    Rust is next on my list.
  • 0
    @asgs C is perfect.
  • 0
    Nop, Explored when I was still at school:

    Java, C, C++, Basic (Various versions), Assembler (MC68000 and x86), PhP, JavaScript, Pascal.

    (Side note : I made an HTML app in Delphi with full connectivity between JavaScript and Pascal code about 16 years ago, way before Electron, chromium and co and I realized fast that it is a worst possible approach for app development)

    Now It's C#/TypeScript and that's it. Maybe some powershell/other shell when I really need to make a script and can’t use C#.

    Scala, go, ruby, python, perl and co don't even interest me. I don't even want to try.
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