So silicon valley ended. And Mr Robot is ending in 4 days. What the fuck am I gonna do with my life then?!

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    Anyone got any suggestions?
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    Work more
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    @Plasticnova I'll keep that in mind
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    @115105109 also, sleep more. Which ever comes first
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    @Plasticnova i don't really like sleeping. It's almost 8am, and I've just laid in bed! I should fall sleep in an hour or so.
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    Although I really meant suggestions with TV series @Plasticnova
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    That channel with all the grey snow is pretty good, great white noise feature
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    Well, if its doesn't have to be tech related, I'd recommended you the purge (especially season 1) and American horror story.
    Especially AHS should kill some of your time.
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    Do some new Drugs. Find an Opensource project, and support it. Argue with ppl on the Internet.

    Lots of things!
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    @magicMirror OK. I'm ready. Let's go.... You may notice that I've put four dots and i think it's funny. What's your argument?
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    @Jilano this triggers me. Anybody should be able to put as many or few dots as he pleases #freethedots
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    Do what you were doing before the shows started!!
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    Smth useful and meaningful?
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    @Jilano I see your point....but I raise you one (:D)
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    @iBerserker I was a muggle back then. My dev journey started almost exactly when silicon valley did, and that's why I feel like I'm losing a friend now!
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    Wait, Mr. Robot is ending for good?

    Or is it just a season break?
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    yeh sad.
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    Wait fort Westworld
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    Is it coming back?

    I thought WW ended.
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    @115105109 I make it a point (and not four of them), *not* to argue with bored people.
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    @Wisecrack I did see a trailer where they showed outside of WW, but now that you mentioned that it as long ago....

    Update: Just checked, it says 2020
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    Holy hell, you have made me a happy happy man.

    Have a cookie.

    Have two if you like. I'm not the one buying em.

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    @Jilano I'd rather die.
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    @magicMirror @Jilano the point of three points is to connect the point of two sentences to make a whole point. By adding a point you appoint laughter points to sentence and also make the points pointyer. Did I make my point?
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    @Jilano Sucess! I always aim to offend.

    @115105109 Point taken. But here is a counter point: Whats the point? To not be bored? is it working?
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    @magicMirror you make a valid point. Although points go for the success of passing time, it still feels like a pointy thing poking at your end point.
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    I see all your points, and this triggers me!
    I believe the dots have a right to speak in this discussion too. Why not take their opinion in what their collective count should define a sarcastic comment?
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    @confusionsays did you just assume point's characteristics as dots??? 😤
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