
Sometimes, being the only fullstack dev with access to a lot of systems gives you the ability to introduce functionality that:

A) prevents future errors

B) introduces new validations to users to make sure A) is prevented.

C) apply these changes to different projects

But most importantly...

D) without a single person in management getting involved or having to sign it off.

It's like running a company you own, but without owning it.

Granted with such power, comes the trust and responsibility of deploying changes with the adequate testing being done prior and handling change management, but fuck, sometimes I wonder if "god mode" for lack of a better term, is too much, or just enough to get the job done without the politics.

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    I am full stack. I do not experience this. Specifically because network architecture is outside of my control, all systems are provisioned by corporate business folks, and I still am building stuff the customer wants only after they know they want it.
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    @irene ah, that's the problem I'm missing out on. I don't have the people problems between me and the infrastructure / platforms.
  • 4
    If A prevents errors and B prevents A, does that mean B allows errors to happen?
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    @Mr-Myrk oh wrong word, B enforces A at a user / data Input level.
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    @C0D4 I know what you meant, just nitpicking for fun :P
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    From my experience with politics in a big company, god mode doesnt come close enough.
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    Sometimes I am just shocked how fast people hand me out God mode..

    Once I had an 8 week internship and was 4 weeks in, wanted to fix something, asked the boss (and dev lead) and he just gave me the keepass file with every ip and key to every server / service used internally - together with sth like 'You know what you're doing, just do your thing'.
    At least he was right in the assumption that I am responsible and trustworthy, but I know fellow devs that would have abused this once leaving. I saw it, and it's horrible.

    I think what I want to say is.. With great power comes great responsibility. For both sides.
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