So. Let me get this straight.

Google can design a mass surveillance system to give me ad suggestions based on sentences I whisper to someone across the room..

But they can't build a fucking keyboard that can spell the word "licenses"?

  • 14
    ....aren't some of the options based on words you've previously typed? Gonna call shenanigans
  • 3
    @lkjhgf253 There's two retarded suggestions and one suggestions that's correct but isn't the word we're looking for. If you can shenanigan that color me impressed.
  • 2
    @hashedram I see that. But if you type a word enough they will appear in that suggestion list.
  • 2
    @lkjhgf253 I typed neither of those words before.
  • 2
    @hashedram what's more, the option on the left is generally the one you're currently typing. So yeah shenanigans
  • 4
    Maybe they collect the best mistakes from other users
  • 2
    @lkjhgf253 I typed it wrong and it's supposed to suggest the right one. Which part of that was difficult to understand?

    Why would I need suggestions if I were currently typing it right. You're trying too hard.
  • 3
    @hashedram the suggestions are not only for correction but to speed things up and its a combination of what you have used before and what others have used when it has to little input from you to go by.
  • 5
    @shoop Don't know, it would be kinda crazy to give everything you type on your phone to a mass surveillance company, right?
  • 1
    Machine learning trained by average people?
  • 2
    Isnt a licensee someone that is licensed? That would mean 2 out of 3 are correct
  • 0
    @shoop they don't have to steal if you give them willfully
  • 1
    throw new WrongSpellException();
  • 1
    It should be licences anyway.

    (assuming proper English, not that abomination used across the pond)
  • 1
    licences, with a C, except in the land of retarded spelling (USA)
  • 0
    @shoop Alright, so if I make a keyboard app which sends all keystrokes to one of my own servers, you'd install it?

    And Google officially doesn't steal the data since you agreed to their ToS...
  • 0
    Ads pay.
  • 0
    Licences nah working fine for me
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