I can't count likes form my database for an specific post. I made a function that will count all the like by "post.id". It shows the like on the web page when I clicked on like button and it disappears when I refresh the browser. but likes are still remaining in the database but it won't appear on the webpage.

Here are the flask code:

def like_count(post_id):
if request.form.get('like') != None:
if (Like.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id).all())==[]:
return 0
return Like.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id).count()
return 0

def dislike_count(post_id):
if request.form.get('dislike') != None:
if (Dislike.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id).all())==[]:
return 0
return Dislike.query.filter_by(post_id=post_id).count()
return 0

Here are the html code:

<form method="POST" action="">
<input name="dislike" value="1" class="input-style" >
<input value="{{post.id}}" name="post_id" class="input-style">
<button class="fas fa-thumbs-down" class="like-button" >
<div class="like-count" >

<form method="POST" action="" >
<input name="like" value="1" class="input-style" >
<input name="post_id" value="{{post.id}}" class="input-style" >
<button class="fas fa-thumbs-up" class="like-button" >
<div class="like-count" >

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