
People are fuckin retarded.

  • 3
    Mice are too :/
  • 4
    I am too :/
  • 4
    @Creep well yes, you are *people*, aren't you...
  • 3
    @netikras No, I do not identify as a peop. Do you identify as a peop?
  • 3
    And the top rant of 2019 award goes to...
  • 1
    Yes i am 🤸
  • 1
    @Creep well I identify as ple, so I guess yes, I'm peoPLE :/
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    This matches my maths teacher in every case.
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    @jilano ever seen a smart chicken ? 😅🦆
  • 1
    I am a person
  • 3
    generally speaking, you are right, retard.
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    ironic, because "there's a lot of retarded people" would have been an ok post.
    but saying everyone is retarded is retarded.

    so, a retarded post that got 22 retarded ++
  • 3
    @jesustricks You're the biggest retard of em all bc I didn't say everyone was, I said people were. Big difference.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet you dare double down? if I say Dinosaurs are gay, do I mean that just a few of them are? No! I'm literally saying all dinosaurs are gay, the "all" is tacit, english motherfucker do you speak it.
  • 4
    care to elaborate @Stuxnet ? this rant seems full of hate, I would like to know the history behind it. cuz I like histories
  • 1
    Agreed, but I'd like to know the story behind this 👀
  • 4
    @Condor @JhonDoe I was procrastinating writing a paper and was on Instagram (shut the fuck up I don't wanna hear a damn thing lmao @jesustricks) and was reading through comments of a post that had people arguing over if it's ok to wash a cat. And some of the comments legitimately killed some if my few brain cells that I've got left.

    That doubled with it's an inside joke between me and a few people from class after we had a discussion in class about vending machines being confusing. We started joking around and saying all users are retarded.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet lmao that parens gave me a couple of laughs
  • 1
    people or just "users"?
  • 1
    Thank, it's an honor.
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