Opinions on jira?

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    I mean like even insight on jira compared to trello. Im looking to transition my team.
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    It works, tho it needs your team and po(s) to undertand agile
  • 4
    Also it's a huge tool with many possibilities. You need to learn it and it's best to have enough time for that. It's very workflow oriented. Jira is a nice tool with good integrations (eg in CI tools) if you set it up properly
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    I've only had positive experiences with it so far. It does what it needs to pretty efficiently as long as everyone knows how to use it and keeps up with updating their user stories when they need to.
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    What's jira.
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    JIRA is a good tool.
    JIRA always speaks the truth.
    JIRA sometimes fuck devs with the deadlines passed by marking it with RED.
    JIRA is a fuckin tool indeed .....
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    Arrgh. I can't stand it. Partially because I think web applications suck after a certain degree of complexity (and Jira is complex). For example, when editing story, I am presented with a modal about 5 screens tall, with tabs at the top that pretty much immediately scroll off the top. Detail view of an issue is so narrow as to be useless. On the plus side, it's not buggy. It's just a horrific user experience.
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    I like it, I really. Dislike the UI but they are gonna do a design overhaul release early next year.
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    I hide my drugs in JIRA submenu's, cops got no chance of finding them.
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    @EdoPhoenix LOL! That many?
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    @specCon18 for the average user it's not that bad, but if you got an administrative role for JIRA, well get the shovel you got some digging to do.
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    Okay if teams can choose their own workflows and views.
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    It’s okay.. a but over engineered maybe...
    As a dev I don’t care about 90% of the stuff on it. Neither does the PO or scrum master..
  • 2
    Combined with BitBukkit its a very powerful tool in my opinion. I never used trello tho
  • 1
    Coming back to this after transition to Jira I like it a lot it has helped with dev team efficiency amazingly.
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