How many languages do you speak?

  • 4
    Swedish and English.
  • 2
    Fluently three (3)
    Basics three (3) more

    Basics two (2)
  • 2
  • 0
    @olback How come swedish?
  • 2
    Two and bits of another two
  • 0
    @shoop What s the difference between modern and ancient greek?
  • 1
    Fluent: 4
    Basics: 1

    Moderatly Good: 2-3
    Meh: 1-2
  • 1
    English, Spanish (native), php, c#, Java, a little bit of C++, now I'm leaning Swift
  • 0
    @sandeepbalan because I live in Sweden. Wish we spoke English here though. Don't really like our language 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    Well: 2 [lithuanian, english]
    basic: 1 [russian]
  • 1
    Sweden and English

    @olback Grrrrrr...
  • 1
    - English
    - German
    - Arabic (Lebanese)
    - French (can read and write but it's hard to understand natives)

    trying to learn Japanese but failing miserably at it
  • 0
    Fluid German and English with a side of salt and a pint of c, a bucket of JS and 2 pints of c++.
  • 4
    Why is this tagged as food.
    How many tongues do you eat?
  • 0
    @halfflat I know right! I've studied french for fucking 15 years in school, and I've read entire books in french without problems!

    But for the fucking life of me, I can't fucking a single word when I watch some french series or movie on netflix.

    So I'm pretty sure they do pretend what anyone is saying.
  • 1
    Aside from my native (Bulgarian), I speak English kind of fluently and French (but have forgotten a lot of it since high school).
  • 2
    Irish (first), English, German, Welsh and learning French
  • 1
    @skuzzymiglet0 Envy. I want to learn Gaelic.
  • 1
    P.S. Does sarcasm count?
  • 1
    English, Italian, French (not as fluently as I used to though as I don’t use it very often) and a bit of German (or what the Swiss keep calling German but is more like Klingon)
  • 1
    @Root Foghlam é! Is teanga sách deacar é, ach bheimis buioch duit mar gcainteor! An bhfuil trial bainte aige as ar Duolingo nó rud den sort sin?

    (those diacritics - gucharmap sucks)
  • 1
    @skuzzymiglet0 Lack of time, mostly. With two children and a full time job, I'm mentally fried during the little time I have left.
  • 0
    @Root sorry i meant "agat" (you) not "aige" (he)
  • 0
    @skuzzymiglet0 That's okay, I couldn't read it anyway 😋
  • 0
    @Root (please google translate it!)
  • 2
    English, Australian and Bogan.

    I grew up in a bogan area, I had to learn the acceptable dialect.
  • 0
    @Root Learn it! It is quite a difficult language, but we'd appreciate you as a speaker! Have you tried out Duolingo or something like that?
  • 1
    @skuzzymiglet0 Thanks! 🙂 I would love to learn it. I wanted to go to an all-gaelic high school in Ireland (where the placed you in gaelic-only households, too) to force myself to learn the language; parents weren't thrilled with the idea, though, and didn't allow it. Jerks.
  • 1
    @C0D4 the bogan. 😂
  • 1
    zero well.

    english natively.

    chinese and spanish brokenly.

    javascript so probably -1
  • 3
    @Root bloody oath, I'm a grab a frothy cold one and light up da barbie, after tea i'll grab a goon and head down to macca's in ma tracky daks.


    Ok I feel sick now, need to rinse my mouth out. I try to suppress my inner bogan, I escaped that life but there are things you can never forgot 😅
  • 1
    @C0D4 I understood all of that except tracky daks. What the crap is that haha
  • 1
    @Root tracksuit pants or trackies.
  • 2
    Arabic (Little bit)
  • 0
  • 1
    English, Japanese and Chinese
  • 1
    @olback I'm learning Swedish, it seems very nice to me
  • 1
    @j4cobgarby I used to learn Swedish while learning Spanish. Learning a new language is an art. You gotta keep the consistency in learning. That was the lesson. I quit learning Swedish shortly and concentrating on Spanish.
  • 0
    @olback yeah. I used to hear like most of the people in Sweden are refugees. So most of them are actually learning Sweden still. Maybe that is the reason behind the hate.
  • 1
    I can confidently say that any devRant user's answer is
    >= 2
  • 0
    @cursee How come? Whats the story behind that confidence?
  • 0
    @M1sf3t @sandeepbalan for those who are not English natives, their mother tongue and English.

    For English natives, English and machine language :3
  • 1
    Cantonese and English
  • 1
    English, Spanish and Portuguese (even tho my grandfather would prefer I did Italian, my family is Italian-Arab)
  • 0
    French and English
  • 0
  • 0
    Speak fluently, 2: German, and English

    Understand, 4: German, English, French, and Latin
  • 0
    Speaking 2, understand 3 and could get into one more of I’d try to get into it again after years.
  • 0
  • 2
    English and Afrikaans, but I can ask for coffee or wine in 7, my priorities are straight. Lmao.
  • 1
    @elonmusk man myth the legend elon?
  • 0
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