Seriously, I have a degree in computer science and I can't for the fucking lfie of it understand the fucking architecture of fucking WORDPRESS!

How many fucking times when developing fucking shitty wordpress sites for clients you spent 66% of the time debugging some stupid fucki9ng shit related to the retarded monolithic fucking stupid architecture of this huge retarded abomination which should be killed in a fire with dragonfire.

How many fucking times while using trellis sage bedrock mother fucking super uber framework bubblegum you find yourself struggling with the fgucking broweser shit sync or some other fucking stupid bubblegum fix shit to make wordpress even remotely a decent experience to work with?

Even when buffed with a fucking shitton of boilerplate shit code from people who want developers to not fucking kill themselves while working on this fucking piece of shit framework the developing experience with wordshit makes me want to blow my fucking brains out with a desert eagle.

I seriously can't fucking stress how fucking shit this whole framework is and I seriously hope people stop using it for good. Wordpress was made by a bunch of fucking retarded monkeys who barely knew how to write afucking hello world.

This is the last fuckign time Im ever going to accept a wordpress project from my clients this fucking framework has driven me mad for fu cking years and i've finally had it with thsi fucking piece of shit framework and i fucking hope it gets buried 1000 km down and never dug up ever fuckign again.

Wordpress is the single most fucking horrid abomination that has ever been created in the fucking history of the tech industry.

  • 23
    Well written, satisfying, relatable rant.
    Welcome to DevRant!
  • 10

    Thank you :) It's a pleasure to join a supporting community like this. Feels like a very safe space.
  • 31
    I didn’t even read the whole post. I just saw “FUCK WORDPRESS TO DEATH,” and gave it a ++.
  • 2
    Cannot relate
  • 2
    And I wonder how neat your thesis was, good rant tho, here's ++ for you
  • 8
    I already gave ++ after the first two words of the rant, but the rest was also one motherfucking hell of a rant. Welcome onboard!

    Also -I guess I will make this a rant of its own when I get around to it- you need to look no further than wordpress.com to realise that these morons have absolutely no fucking clue of anything, given that this abomination is already supposed to be their store sign.
  • 3
  • 2
    Wordpress is actually really good for non devs
  • 5
    I appreciate the commitment with the username pick
  • 8
    @jorgeMachado Does this look like "Non-devrants.com" to you?
  • 5
    @jorgeMachado I'm glad you finished that sentence.

    @FuckWordpress "wordpress" the "blog" that became a shit show of mutated and mangled pieces of code and plugins with nothing in place to stop it.

    Welcome to the enlightened side of wordpress development.
  • 0
    @FuckWordpress *Non-devsrant.com
  • 3
    @jorgeMachado WordPress isn't really good for anybody, it's just that non-devs are easier to upsell on a Porsche that is actually a broken Lada.
  • 1
    Stuff like this is why I've been hesitant to approach word press...
  • 4
    @gaurdianaq Stay away from it if you can by all means necessary. It will expand your lifespan and not turn your hair gray before you're 30.

  • 0
    Noooo you can't dis wordpress, its the bread and butter of many a start up
  • 0
    First of all, loved the username @fuckwordpress. Shows commitment

    Secondly, I agree with @jorgemachado

    WordPress works for non-devs, specially small companies and independent workers that just need a basic website to update without any programming knowledge

    To do something more than that, then yeah WordPress sucks big time

    I could tolerated it when it was mostly free few years ago
  • 1
    @priandpasta it's still free.
    wordpress.org vs wordpress.com.
    but ya automattic (parent company of wordpress.com) has really fucked up with their new editor, gutenburg, and forcing it on everyone.

    I really want to move to classicpress.net for generic website projects but it'll take some work if it's even possible...

    anyone have a suggestion for a replacement that would work for small companies / individual clients???
  • 2
    As a retarded monkey that barely can write a "hello world" I feel offended. Even I know that WordPress is crap and it's bad
  • 3

    It's my bread and butter too but I'm not going to bend over and take the huge disease infested dick of Wordpress anymore!

  • 0
    Certainly resonate with my thoughts! I shied away from EVERY Wordpress gig even when the renumeration is decent, ESPECIALLY FIXING A MESSED UP WORDPRESS SITE. But to be fair, it has a relatively huge ecosystem to get anything simple done quickly without much budget
  • 0
    WordPress is hard and stupid if you're doing something else than a blog with some static pages.
  • 1
    @ojrask And in the latter case, it's just stupid.
  • 3
    @OneOrZero Ahh yes sorry, you're correct. Wordpress is not a framework, IT'S A FUCKING NUCLEAR DISASTER MUTANT ABOMINATION
  • 1
    @Areg Haven't you noticed that yet? What has devrant become?
  • 0
    @jorgeMachado yes but that’s not the point here
  • 2
    This Guy has used f*ck 27 times in this rant, 28 if we include his name.
  • 1
  • 2

    Fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck
  • 1
    you can't understand the architecture of wordpress?

    well, there's your issue.
    you can't understand that which does not exist.
  • 1
  • 1
    And yet I’ve built a career on it such that I can now get paid full time to run a WP eCommerce site for only a few hours work each day. And that’s if I’m really busy. Seriously, I could go days without attending to a single thing on this site and it still is working when I get back. If you know what you’re doing, and if you have built up a good toolbox of plugins, themes, and code snippets to automate and customize, you can build sites quickly, make recurring income from them, and just relax.

    I imagine OP is tense because he’s still trying to get his Node.js back down to a size that doesn’t require petabytes of storage.
  • 2
    I really want to hear @Fast-Nop or @electrineer thoughts on the comment @stackodev just made.
  • 3
    @jesustricks Upselling customers on bloated, inaccessible templated train wrecks is pretty much the level of scam that can be expected from WP "devs".

    And to be even proud that a crappy WP site is still online after a few days without handholding just shows how ridiculously low the standards are.

    Dollars to a dime that just running Gtmetrix or WAVE across that shit would already be laughable. Not because I assume he's a bad dev personally, but because I've never seen anything else from a WP website, wordpress.com included.

    But on the other hand, if customers want to have it dirt cheap, cheap dirt is what they'll get.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I regularly get 1 second or less page load times across GTMetrix and Lighthouse audits. It’s all in what you actually know about WordPress vs. the eccentric posturing going on in this thread. Oh, and the only reason I said what I said about checking on the site every few days is due to my desire to feel useful to the employer in some way, not out of actual necessity. If not for that, I could literally let the site run in automated fashion for as long as I want.

    But go back to your build scripts and your task runners and your endless varieties of frameworks and all the other hoops you have to jump through for hours on end before you can even write a line of JS. In that time, I’ll have launched at least two, maybe three fully-functional WordPress eCommerce sites.
  • 1
    @stackodev Less than one second? That would be astonishing, given that not even Google manages that. And even less so on mobile because of the connection limit of 8 files, TCP handshaking, and the high latency of mobile networks versus dozens of useless files downloaded (wordpress.com: 97 requests, WTF). So in fact, Gtmetrix is already very optimistic.

    And well no, you don't launch WP sites. What you do is upselling templates. The ridiculous thing is that a "template" would not make any sane dev think that it's even possible for them to open security holes - but of course with the unadulterated garbage that WP is, templates can.

    Oh and for the inaccessible shit because the folks at Automattic have no idea what HTML and CSS are even about, something like that just got Domino's in the courts, and they lost. Granted, not actually over a WP trainwreck, but something comparable.

    It will become interesting as soon as web agencies get sued by their customers over such gross incompetence.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop The smart agencies build their own themes and, for the rest who use themes, the Userway plugin meets basic requirements. Dominos probably spent so much time trying to configure their dev environment that they lost track of business value because they wasted all their effort in the weeds.

    At one job, it took WEEKS for the devs to get their heads out of their build tools long enough to make a simple content change for Marketing. I proposed that Marketing get their own WordPress site (an idea they LOVED) so they could add/edit their latest offers. The devs all conspired to fire me because they felt threatened by such a simple idea. They succeeded, but not on the merits of their arguments. They had to make up some “hE’s NoT a GoOd CuLtUrAl FiT fOr OuR tEaM” excuse to HR.

    They don’t work there anymore. But Marketing now has a WordPress site so they can get stuff done.

    Business value rules. Every time. WordPress delivers business value quickly and inexpensively.
  • 2
    @stackodev Someone is butthurt ;(

    You missed the whole point of my rant. The fact is that wordpress is really out dated and everyone with even a little undestading of computer science can see this from miles away.

    I can say this with a 100% guarantee, Wordshits lifespan is nearing it's end. It has never been a good way to develop the web and it has grown so bad it will never be one.

    You migh say my opinion is biased (which it is since I sincerely hate wordpress from the bottom of my heart) but there are better alternatives out there which you can use to create faster, safer, more scalable and overall better websites and web applications.

    The fact that you have built a business is not unusual, I have several wordpress sites I manage also. I still do think it's a retarded way to develop websites.
  • 2
    @stackodev And this is total bullshit. All you deliver with wordpress is techical debt. The value proposition with wordpress is not related to the technical side of it but the people marketing wordpress. Im not against selling bullshit but I'm strongly advicing web developers to avoid wordshit with all means necessary. All you get with Wordshit is bad web infrastructure and a pile of steaming shit full of security issues.
  • 2
    @stackodev Well either you are so exceptionally good that your WP installations don't deliver the usual garbage - and mind you, that would put you even ahead of Automattic themselves.

    Or you're in the same boat as them and don't even realise that you have no idea about HTML and CSS so that you go by appearance, which I'm somewhat tempted to assume from statements like "delivering business value quickly".

    Hard to tell without example website, but I can't ask for one because that would breach your privacy, which such a discussion isn't worth.
  • 4
    @FuckWordpress It will only get worse with the Gutenberg disaster because that's even further away from how to write a properly structured website.

    Basically, this takes people 20 years back right to the bad days of Frontpage.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop back in my day, frontage was all the rage, that and geo-cities!!!!

    until you hit the code button and cried so much your eyes dried up, and then you cried some more and hit publish and wonder why such a powerful editor (for its day, considering it was only Macromedia Dreamweaver as the alternative) created so much nonsense.

    for those who dont understand the internet back in the olden days...
    this was every webpage:

  • 2
    @C0D4 To be fair, the animated GIF crap wasn't FP's fault.

    But what that 90s converter page nicely shows is not only the typical botched up misuse of heading levels - it takes it even to the 21st century by abusing HTML5's new structural tags in totally pointless ways.

    Uhm wait.. oh. That's not introduced by the converter, that's the original. And a class on body, and presentational CSS classes in the markup?!
  • 1
    @FuckWordpress can you define such alternatives?
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop You should see how gutenberg data is stored in the database :)
  • 1
    @FuckWordpress IIRC, they abuse HTML comments with dirty hacks, adding up to the mess that WP has always been.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Exactly, it's a house of cards waiting for someone to knock it over.
  • 2
    According to this site: https://kinsta.com/wordpress-market...

    Market share of WP is going up, not down. I don't think it is going anywhere soon. 34% of all websites as of 2019.

    Are there any other decent CMSs that provide the same tools and plugins? I have used Joomla and Drupal, but WP seems to have more options. I get requests from people for sites people can "maintain themselves". I don't see a whole lot of other options for this.
  • 1
    @FuckWordpress @Demolishun When I needed a solution some years ago, WP seemed needlessly complex to me, so I went into static website generation even before it was avant-garde.

    I LOLed so hard when Automattic enforced Gutenberg as "the future way" no matter what the community said. The totally arrogant officials in the WP forum (especially dipshits like "Otto") just increased my joy of not being on their train.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop Yeah, my friend uses some tools for that. He does his only with some program he bought. That is another way to skin that cat.
  • 2
    So much big talk. But every time a rant like this pops up, it’s always from someone who isn’t putting their own best work out there to make a better CMS than WordPress. End users give jack shit about how elegant back-end code is. You can whine all day long about how they _should_, and I can agree with you, but at the end of the day they just don’t care because they cannot comprehend any of it. They simply want something they can use and that is supported by a huge and growing community. WordPress does that for them. So, put up or shut up. Fight for the users. Make a CMS for the everyday user that can surpass 34% of sites using WordPress. Fire up a repo on GitHub, or whichever other tool you prefer, and finally...finally...prove us wrong.
  • 2

    Wittle wordpwess ccwybabbyyy :((((((
  • 1
    @FuckWordpress Dude, what are you, 12? This isn't middle school.
  • 0
    If this is all about Drupal this could made my day.
  • 0
    This was my exact experience with WordPress too!
  • 1
    Use wordpress they said. It’s easy they said. The themes do everything for you without coding they said. About a couple days in no idea what’s happening in the code. Wtf is this hierarchy wtf is this wordpress 😡
  • 0
    @stackodev I want to develop a food blog with wordpress. No idea where and what to learn or start from. Help out an amateur dev with some direction 🙏🏼
  • 1
    @idkm If you just started out and you are actually a dev, I'd suggest simply not using WordPress. If you can actually code it'll only screw you over at every step.
  • 0
    @idkm I've had positive experiences with modx, but it's very different from wordpress and since your use case is very typical there are probably better tools that I don't know of.
  • 0
    @Lor-inc interesting
  • 1

    I got hijacked into using wordpress. They said "its not that bad. Once you get used to it, it's easy".


    I have multiple engineering degrees, have been making HTML pages since 1992. I've muscled my way through any number of HTML software packages (Hotmetal, Dreamweaver, others) over the years.

  • 1
    Seriously WP is a total scam
  • 0
    Signed up just to agree after spending 6+ hours debugging only to find a silent culprit in some obscure plugin.

    That said, I find myself back on this post whenever I work with WordPress. Every. Single. Time.

    Fuck WordPress to be killed in a fire with dragon fire indeed!
  • 1
    Coming back to create fake accounts just to vote this up again and again.
  • 0
    @estlacksensory Your efforts are noble comrade. May wordpress die a million deaths and be reborn in infinite hells.
  • 0
    I am so so sick of Wordpress. It's driving me crazy!!!!!! But I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER after reading the rant and all the comments here because I know I'm not alone. THANK YOU!!!!! Can a developer here please tell me (an ex-Joomla / now swimming in shit Wordpress developer) what affordable alternative we have that WON'T TAKE ME A LIFETIME TO LEARN AGAIN!!!!!
  • 0
    FUCK WORDPRESS, that was the word in the street 4 years ago, that's the word in the street now. Made an account just to rant on it, ++ very clear message you gave there.
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