
I want to break my win 10 password which I have forgot . I know one method of breaking the passcode by using bootable Device . Is there any other method to other than using bootable device for breaking the passcode? please suggest some technique

  • 2
    You don't even have to crack it. Search for "Mimikatz".
  • 1
    @PrivateGER for that I need to log in the windows right?
  • 2
    No, you will just need to extract the needed files. You can either boot some random Linux distro or hook the drive up to another PC for that.
  • 0
    But you have to execute Mimikatz "after" logging in to Win. How do we do that without logging in?
    Unless you can ssh to the machine ?
  • 1
    Does the bootable "ntpasswd" tool still work on modern Windows?
  • 0
    Is Hiren's still an option nowadays?
  • 0
    @cho-uc You can extract the relevant files and run Mimikatz on them.
  • 1
    Pogostick is the answer just need an USB stick that can be formatted. And that is a local account. If it's an MSN live password you need to reset it online
    If you have quick boot enabled go-to windows login screen, insert the USB stick and reboot ( do not cool boot)
  • 4
    Write the password down on a sticky note pasted on your screen. Don't make it more than 6 characters long. Preferably put the sticky note in a very visible area to many people just in case, so that they can remember it too. Bonus points if office environment and a confuzer with a high access level to its assets 😌
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