  • 1
    I should do something with the NASA apis
  • 9
    😦they have apis? Oh boy, there's goes my weekend
  • 2
    @C0D4 Yeah, That was my reaction when i heard it for the first time. I integrated the mars images according to martian sole for a demonstration to my angular app. You can get much more data about asteroids nearby earth orbit and how harmful it is for us kinda stuffs . Video collections are also available regarding. Let me know once you implemented it.
  • 1
    @terraria99 Yeah. You should . Its fun and informative. I think the data are not that updated last time i checked. But useful
  • 2
    Oh thank you a ton!
  • 2
    @sandeepbalan Damn I didn't have a clue about this! Thanks for this!
  • 2
    Space X has an API too. I want to get around to doing something with both of them. Not sure what yet.
  • 3
    @sandeepbalan @yorda launchlibrary is amazing as well.
  • 2
    @bittersweet seems good at first look. Let me integrate and let you know the thoughts
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