
If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.

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    Being the smartest in the room, doesn't make you the most knowledgeable in the room.
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    @Frederick I know a few people whom would agree with it though, ego's will do what ego's do best I guess 🤷‍♂️

    I just know the new guy is a brand new set of eyes on a problem, with a different life of experience. It's only a bad idea when it's proven not to work - until then, it's another idea.
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    @C0D4 Some ideas are so bad that they break conceptually and can be logically demonstrated not to work. This can save the time and expense of verifying such failure empirically (assuming the people in charge have done the thinking/are willing to listen to those who have done the thinking). Sadly, a lot of ideas are so subtly wrong that it can take years before they even begin to show signs of failure, and other ideas are great and fail for reasons apart from actual merit.
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    @powerfulparadox this still comes down to proof. An idea can be tested no matter how bad it seems, there's going to be suggestions that clearly don't add up further down the chain to someone that can handle the big picture and join up the dots quickly, but ultimately without some kind of evidence to back up your argument, you're just being a dick, but that's not to say you don't already know from your own experience.

    Proving an idea is not going to work, also has the ability to prove it will.
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    So by that logic you would be pretty lonely in your room.
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    @C0D4 My point was that some ideas are actually impossible because they are nonsensical, not that an idea that looks bad can and should be argued down without testing.
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    By nonsensical I mean trying to do things on the order of making square circles or married bachelors. Impossible by definition. A lot of ideas are like that, but more subtle.
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    I offer a corollary: If you're not the smartest person in the room you're stupidity is gonna get taken advantage of.
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    this feels like you're describing my entire life.

    do you know me?
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    If you're the smartest person in the room, its time to ask for pay raise and cash this in.
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    @Wisecrack No, but I dabble with studying human nature. That way I can make reasonable generalizations. It's almost as good as actually knowing people.
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    Ah, that figures
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    Right now alone in the room and not inclined to leave.
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    Sounds good, doesn't work!!
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    ... see, this is exactly what I mean!
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