Aaaaaah can never get enough of these...

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    I dislike the code asylum one, it's to square.
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    @Codex404 agreed I'm gonna replace it with my new hacktoberfest stickers heheeeeeeee
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    @Jilano oh I'm so glad you noticed it. Thank you I'm touched.. And here I thought no one was gonna appreciate it. Phew
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    Can someone please explain the sticker fad? It seems childish and unprofessional I never understood the reasoning behind it...

    It shows people what you like or use....

    Allows me to be judgemental about your choices in life without speaking a single word to you directly...

    The more info you freely divulge to the public the less empowered you become ... the more people can use things against you
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    First thing i thought with "Hasura" was "Basura" spanish definition for garbage.

    No offense, just a spanish thought
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    <3 zulip
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    @QuanticoCEO is this a copy pasta? If not, that's the edgiest thing I've read this week.
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    @BigBadVlad no and why is it edgy? It’s the truth.. please explain why this fad...
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    Like I can make a bunch of assumptions about the person just from the stickers, and yeah one could argue you should prejudice people or assume things, and give everyone a chance but in the professional world... that will never change.. it’s an ocean out there and there are ALOT of sharks and Mega squids and more...

    For example, this person is a python developer... uses / develops for android. Loves cats. Uses git hub, probably loves and contributes to open source which from an enterprise point of view is concerning for trade secrets. This person likes IDEs / or uses them a crutch. This person could be overly enthusiastic about new technologies but lacks foundational skills needed in an enterprise development team.

    I would not allow this person to meet with clients, customers, upper management, and suppliers as the computer would portray the wrong image in a meeting of the minds at a conference table. Or in general any outside interaction.
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    @QuanticoCEO People are entitled to do whatever they want with their property. Note that I also like my laptops without stickers. I have to be frank with you. I don't see how having stickers would be considered unprofessional. Casey Neistat seems pretty damn professional and he PAINTS over his gear...
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    @BigBadVlad to each their own.. but I’m telling you, people should be aware of what their “seems meaningless” actions could portray to others.... others that may be important as first impressions
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    Where did you get those Kotlin and Jetbrains stickers?
    Perhaps KotlinConf 2018? I was there!
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    I prefer going commando.
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    @Quirinus gonna steal this one
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    @Quirinus best. Comment. Ever.
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    @QuanticoCEO how could you make such accurately wrong judgements...
    Also not at all a cat fan ughhhhh. Dude my laptop my stickers my freakin free will.
    Wanna be judge-mental? Go ahead be my guest:p
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    @eeee oh hey got these from my college hackathons and workshops :)
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    This is great as long as it's for use within a completely personal capacity, or as a student (no one gives a fuck about students).

    While free speech continues into the professional world, most serious client side folks would just stay away from such an appearance. It's like asking someone to trust you with their money while you're wearing a kimono over khaki shorts, with half your beard shaved off, and two piercings on your nose and cheek.
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