FUCK why did nobody warn me to NOT upgrade to mac os Catalina??? Cant do half shit here not even install goddamn photoshop!!!


How do i downgrade?

  • 8
    You should upgrade to Windows
  • 1
    Good luck with that mate
  • 5
    Haha, after all these dumb rants on windows you now have chosen another system which you are probably uncapable of using.

    Are you sure you work in IT?
  • 4
    @cafecortado Linux* nobody has time for spyware like Windows.
  • 5
    Never install a major OS update if your computer is your work machine until you properly vet the new release and are certain people are not having common issues.

    5min on Reddit r/macos and you'd see endless posts about Catalina problems.
  • 0
    @HellaDev Or, ummm, backup first
  • 0
    @Demolishun are you suggesting that backing up and upgrading is easier than researching or that backing up is what everyone should do before an upgrade haha.
  • 1
    @HellaDev i have my first ever macbook pro a few days ago and im new to mac ok so how was i supposed to know
  • 0
    @SukMikeHok I definitely wasn't judging you bud was just giving you the lowdown of how bad it's been and why you should always wait on MacOS updates. They've gotten worse and worse over the years to the point that I sold my $2k MacBook pro to my brother for $500 and bought a used thinkpad and run Linux on it. Now any issues I have are my fault haha
  • 0
    Lmao dude.
    Create a bootable device of which ever version you want and also the partition would be in apfs so convert it to mac journal or format it and flash the os on it
  • 0
    Google downgrade mac os-_-
  • 0
    I believe the newest version of MacOS that allows you to install Photoshop without the stupid subscription model is High Sierra. I have a friend who won't upgrade for that exact reason.
  • 0
    @HellaDev I backup before updates. Been burned before. Even more fearful of them in Windows.
  • 0
    Don't you read any (IT-related) news? Word about being careful with upgrading to Catalina was out for weeks, so unless you live under a rock, you should have read something about it.
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