
From my Iranian friend :

Since the 16th of Nov 2019, there have been massive civil protests happening in Iran due to the sudden increase in gas prices. Gov has cut out the Internet connections of the whole country in an attempt to prevent the news leak. The armed forces of the government are violent and unfortunately, there have been more than 200 people killed in the last 4 days and lots have been injured and are being arrested.

Meanwhile, a lot of Iranian applicants are trying to apply for foreign universities. However, due to the internet blackout, it's impossible for them to get online and submit their applications. Moreover, as far as we know the international language exam centers have been canceled the exams because due to the current situation.
We, a group of Iranian people and our friends who care about human rights would like to ask for an extension of the submission deadlines of universities for Iranian applicants who are unfairly get effected by this major internet blackout. We know the majority of them worked for so long to make their applications and We really appreciate if you could give them a chance of later submission due to the current situation.


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    It's nice to see that this platform can also be used to raise awareness of injustices around the world, too.

    Hope everything works out for your friend and the people of Iran.
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    @Angry while I agree, @dfox has told us not to post any political stuff up here as they don't have enough money to fight a legal case if any arises

    So, although it helps people, this might be violating a few policies

    Edit: ps: I care for human lives... Just that the devs might get into terrible for our such actions

    Also, signed
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    Worth signing, hope it helps in some way
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