What u guys think which technology.... Literally have biggest impact in the world??

I think mobile phones.
What u guys think?

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    Possibly weaving.
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    Horse tack.
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    @Plasticnova true...... 😅
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    @M1sf3t i only asked for one 😅😅
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    refrigerators and vaccines
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    biggest impact? the zar bomb!
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    Rasputin was a czar bomb, does that count
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    @Copyninza I think that mobile phones increase the speed of communication but ultimately they are part of the evolution of the telegraph and radio. Smart phones added a bunch of other functions that already existed like books/toys/paper/movies.

    So i would argue that radio paired with transistors are the real innovation. Because with those you get all modern computer things.
  • 2
    Well... Since I saw farming mentioned:


    Seriously... We live in a glass age where glass is everywhere. We all have one in our pockets, we all have few of them in our home/backpack. If not for the glass - world wouldn't be so portable/user friendly.


    If we speak from a specific technology, then I'd say internet is one of the greatest things out there.
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    Question too vauge.
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    Credit cards
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    Sliced Bread ... It's the best ;)
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    Sexual reproduction
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    I mean the only real answer here has got to be the butt scratcher
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