Are you fucking kidding me, Microsoft?!
You are literally doing the opposite thing of "protecting me".

I might as well just download all the viruses myself and watch my CPU rise up like that. Thanks, Microsoft for nothing, but bad things.

  • 3
    One possibility is to configure its maximum CPU usage so that it doesn't disturb. I know that from Microsoft Security Essentials which has such an option under its settings.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop Windows Defender, on the other hand, does not, but you can restrict its affinity by other means.
  • 4
    Disable windows defender and install something else that won't burn a hole in your cpu/ram, I'm more concerned you trust that thing to do anything at all,

    As for your current case, windows defender and it's "services" have some weird ass issues when they get to scanning their own files which lead to exactly what you are seeing.
  • 3
    @zemaitis first thing: Don't you fucking think that I did not do that already, Captain Obvious.

    Secondly: You are not in the position to talk about anger issues here.

    I remember when we have had the same conversation about your anger issues.
    Plus, this is fucking devRANT! Ever thought about why it ends with RANT?

    Get out of my way with your wanna-be sweet manners, you hypocrite.
  • 2
    I had to somehow deactivate this "feature" completely... I can't afford my CPU suddenly spiking while I'm training a model and it running out of memory
  • 2
    What's it gonna be? Arch, openSUSE, Mate?
  • 0
    @C0D4 yeah. I'm seeing these flaws quite often recently
  • 0
    @fenji tried arch, manjaro, the debian family. Still not sure yet
  • 1
    It's not that bad. Not long ago I had the application compatibility telemetry process sucking up 97% CPU, effectively literally freezing my machine for 2 hours. The process kept kicking in a couple of minutes after rebooting and I noticed that my % disk was on 100! I have ssd and it was writing at full power around 555 mb/sec for the duration of that telemetry process. Managed to get the process disabled. And then the same shit happened in my dev vm running on same system. I ended up reinstalling my os as my system kept freezing over and over again. Mouse pointer was still responsive also num lock still responding, so it didn't hang but if you'd ctrl alt del it for many many times nothing would hapoen, except for task manager opening an hour later or so. First time ever that I had such issues with Windows 10. It wasn't fun.
  • 0
    @CodeMasterAlex the good old telemetry process.

    It happens to me most of the time, too.
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- don't know who coded that fucker but I'm in for killing that dev up to 97%. Didn't happen after os reinstall though.
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