I got laid off from my previous position as a Software Engineer at the end of June, and since then it was a struggle to find a new position. I have a good resume, about 4 years of professional dev experience and 5 years of experience in the tech industry all together, and great references.

As soon as I got laid off, I talked to my old manager at my previous company, and he said that he'd love to hire me back, but he just filled his last open spot.

In order to prepare, I had my resume reviewed by a specialist at the Department of Labor, and she said that it was one of the better resumes that she had seen.

There aren't a huge amount of dev jobs in my area, and I got a TON of recruiter emails. But they were all in other states, and I wasn't interested in moving.

I applied to all the remote and local positions I could find (the ones that I was qualified for,) and I just got a bunch of silence and denials from all my applications. I had a few interviews that went great, but of course, those companies decided to put the position on hold so they could use the budget for other things.

The silence and denials were really disconcerting, and make you think that something might be wrong with you or your interviewing abilities.

And then suddenly, as if the floodgates had opened, I started getting a ton of callbacks and interviews for both local and remote opportunities. I don't know if the end-of-year budget surpluses opened up more positions, but I was getting a lot of interest and it felt amazing.

Another dev position opened up at my previous company, and I got a great recommendation for that from my former manager and co-workers. I got a bunch of other interviews, and was moved onto the next rounds in most of them.

And finally, I got reached out to regarding a remote position I applied for a while ago, and the company was great about making the interview process quick and efficient. Within 2 weeks, I went from the screening call, to the tech call, and to the final call with the CTO. The CTO and I just hung out and talked about cars/boats/motorcycles for half the interview, and he was an awesome guy. AND THEN I GOT AN OFFER THE NEXT DAY!

The offer was originally for about the same amount as I made at my previous job, but I counteroffered up a good amount and they accepted my counteroffer!

It's a great company with offices all over the world, and they offer the option to travel to all those offices for visits if you want. So if you're working on a project with the France team and you think that it'd be easier to just work with them face-to-face, then the company will pay to fly you out to Paris for the week. Or you can work completely remotely. They don't mind either way.

I'm super excited to work with them and it feels great to be back in the job world.

Sorry about the long post, but I just wanted to tell my story and help encourage anybody out there who's going through the same thing right now.

Don't get discouraged, because you WILL find an awesome opportunity that's right for you. Get somebody to go over your resume and give you improvement recommendations. Brush up on your interviewing skills. Be sure to talk about all the projects you've worked on and how they positively impacted people and/or companies.

This is what I found interviewers responded the best to: Be sure to emphasize that you love learning new things and that you love passing along that knowledge to other people, and that your goal is to be an approachable and reliable source of knowledge for the company and to be as helpful as possible. It's important to be in a position that encourages both knowledge growth and knowledge sharing, and I think that companies really appreciate that mindset in a team member.

Moral of the story: YOU GOT THIS!

  • 7
    Cool !rant

    But about the sharing knowledge. I am in this position where i am training this person. He is new. He knows what he is doing but ni proficient in our stack.

    I am a hard worker and i dont mind taking the time. However. He sits next to me and while im working hard he hangs out on his phone quite a lot then works a bit. He gets things done but not a lot. Then he asks me questions and i loose patience and tell him to figure it out by himself. If i saw him working hard i would help but i don't like taking my time which i put effort in towarfs results when some one is putting probably 60% of what im doing and then asks questions.

  • 2
    This made me so happy for you man! Congrats on the great offer :D wishing you the best
  • 2
    @Nanos i dont want them fired.i like the dude. But its fustrating.
  • 1
    @Santaclauze Is that dude me? 😂
    Because I recently started and I ask questions to this guy next to me and I look a lot at my phone when the app is building and I have no PRs left to review.
  • 2
    @OneOfSimpleMind gave me a bit of a sweat there. Though i think ive been honest with him, not mentionning the issue directly but telling him i had patience issues. Though i had not the right words to explain it properly.

    However following your posts and comment history,your out of character. Id be very surprised if that was you:)
  • 1
    @Nanos i think there may be better avenues. Trust and good team culture is important and unless some one was really toxic i dont think id ever complain for some one to be fired. Either management notices it or they suck and im probably at the wrong company anyways. Its not my job to decide who is good for the team or not. And regardless this guy has a spot on the team its more dealing in the best way in a bit if a delicate situation so that the team culture stays positive.
  • 2
    @Santaclauze Lol stalker much?
    Just kidding. Well I rest easy since no one told me anything about patience issues or whatever... yet
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    @AleCx04 Thanks buddy, I'm super excited and nervous at the same time hahaha. That comes with any new job though!
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    @Nanos I actually found that listing a couple of in-progress certifications on my resume really seemed to get companies more interested in me. I'm currently pursuing my CSPO (Certified Scrum Product Owner) and PMP (Project Manager Professional) certifications. I think that seeing an Engineer with certifications in product ownership and project management is attractive to companies, because much of our work involves managing the development lifecycle of a product/project in one form or another.

    It was something that I could bring up during interviews in order to make myself stand out.

    For example, I applied for a Software Engineer job at a smaller local company, and as soon as I mentioned that I was pursuing my CSPO and PMP, they expressed interest in bringing me on as a dual-role Software Engineer and Product Owner, because they were trying to move more towards an Agile methodology and didn't have a Product Owner yet. So they wanted me to split my time 50/50 between Product Ownership and Engineering, and believed that my previous experience as a Software Engineer would really bring some helpful perspectives to the Product Ownership role
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    @Nanos This one isn't so much Engineering-related, but I think it's still cool to have and it's a great talking point during an interview: Look into the Inbound Certification via HubSpot. It's free and takes about 3 hours total online. It's a marketing methodology certification, and it's especially helpful if you're applying for any dev jobs at marketing companies
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