Anyone else feels this way?

Any good stories to share about that as well?

  • 22
    I tell people anyway. Family at least. They tune out and I chew at them for it. Eventually they listen and start to pick things up, but they never really get it. It's sad.

    None of my friends are techy either. They're all either into games or makeup, and just can't understand anything I'm saying. So the only people I have to talk about techy stuff is the devs at work, and they're usually so busy they don't have time to chat either :<

    It's a lonely world.
  • 9
    @Root luckily, we have devrant to feel a little less lonely
  • 1
    I go to a programmer meetup. We talk about code and games, and coding games.
  • 1
    Oh yes, I recently studied chemistry (but without success despite much time and effort went into it) and I never really talked much about it although I found it totally interesting.
    Now that I quit I realized no one around me did understand how much I liked it, they mostly were like "why dont you do this instead that would be smth you like?!"
    Only one friend asked "why did you quit, I thought you like chemistry? O_O", well, she studies physics, so I had talked quite a lot about chemistry stuff with her
  • 5
    More the other way around. Im so used to ppl not understanding anything i do, its odd to talk with someone who actually knows something technical.
  • 2
    @JFK422 This, too.

    Also, I'm so used to explaining things to non-techies that I don't remember how to talk to devs anymore. It takes me awhile to start using the correct vocabulary again.
  • 1
    @Root I've mostly just resorted to not talking to non-techies...

    It's really lonely sometimes...
  • 0
    I was talking about this with my parents yesterday after a TV show about loneliness.
    They told me that I probably was also prone to feel lonely if I would start living on my own.
    But I sometimes feel alone already because I've so little people I can talk about my interests.
  • 1
    I typically use a lot of analogies in conversations with non-techies.

    One of my tech analogies so far. When I was learning Kubernetes and RabbitMQ my lead would refer to different principals as a restaurant.
  • 0
    Wish I could get that sort of multi pathing working :'(
  • 0
    I feel like this with the majority of my friends.

    At least my wife is a peach. She will smile and nod for me which is nice.
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