
Imagine putting yourself in debt to go to university and you get linked a freecodecamp course.

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    That's kind of what happens. I was an artist, did a 3 month bootcamp, my salary is 4 times of my peers who started working the same year as me.

    Recruiters and managers prefer hands-on experience than theory.

    I'm still waiting for the maths part in coding
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    legit my education right now is compromised of very nice motherfuckers taking the time to write entire articles regarding different machine learning methodologies and concepts that somehow my phd holding ass professors can't do.

    imagine going to school to pay for shit that you have to teach yourself. don't get me wrong, some teachers i have here are absolutely outstanding. but that is like 3 dudes so far from a cadre of 10. fuck them
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    @bartmr work in a data intensive job with something like big data analysis and ml. drivers and phisics engine designs, image processing software etc then you will see the math. for building websites not so much
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    @AleCx04 and that kind of tasks happens in what, 1 in every 50 programmers? And if I need to learn it, I'll learn it. The problem with most people out of college is that they don't know how to learn. Everything is spoon fed and not questioned
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    @bartmr University is not spoon fed, in the UK at least. Lectures cover generic concepts only and it's up to the student to take it further.
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    @bartmr have you been to uni? i wish shit was spoon fed, it would make learning the 40k different ways to learn all the shit that gets thrown at one without direction. I don't know why people have the idea that "you go to university because you can't learn on your own" in that case let me get myself a couple of biology books and go all the way up to applied medicine and call my ass a doctor because people don't need school.

    as if being a good programmer and being self thaught was a mutually exclusive deal
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