At the office
5 website is down !
Searching for answer ... Noting. Nginx is calm, php is calm, DB to many connections :O but the DB is interne acces only !!!

Internal ddos WTF

Drupal 8 website -> sorry guy i just fucked up and write 8Go of useless log in watchdog table because something went wrong

Actual log : %errormessage %errortime %vardump

Me : damm he fucked up and cannot write some complet log 🤣

Do you know some module to limit this table size and write acces ?

  • 2
    I one wrote a generic handler for exceptions that would mail me the details, message, stacktrace and so on. Worked fine. Went on and put said handler to work in one of the mail exception handlers. My mailbox wasn't amused after some temporary mail outage recovered..
  • 0
    Logs... Should always bei isolated.

    They are the most common cause of DDOS / network trouble.
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