- 13 GB free on HDD - App Store says not enough space to update Xcode
- Delete Xcode, gets stuck, 3 restarts, force empty trash
- 30 GB free on HDD - App Store says not enough space to install Xcode
- free up 40 more GB
- App Store:

  • 0
    Try restarting your computer. Sometimes appstore app is not able to determine its real free space
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    @M1sf3t I have never had the amount of issues damn near half the population of this app bitches about. They get that one use case in which things go bad and suddenly whatever tech is deemed a pos.
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    @torbuntu you’re a bit harsh. Everyone is entitled to choose whatever they find fit. Classic “I hate Apple but never got to use one” case in my opinion. What is your personal preference? Microsoft or maybe Google products? I bet you have a wet dreams about Andoid too
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    Because fuck you that's why
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    @M1sf3t do you remember Bill Gates presenting his new Windows and the screen went blue back in the days
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    so after clearing 70GB, Apple still gives an excuse to not to install.
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    @PappyHans Apple, it just works. (TM)
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    Apple sucks big fucking cock oups cooke oups cookies oups
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    100$ a years is not enough for having good product
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    Found out the iMovie app was using almost 3GB and Garage Band 2.5GB of our development machines tiny 256GB SSD.

    Deleted that garbage pretty fast.
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