
I just started coding for C#. How long does it take to be considered "good" at it?

  • 2
    Have you done java/oop before?

    Do you have good OOP knowledge?

    Whatcha wanna do? Asp.net? Console apps? Microservices? Apps?

    Core or legacy?
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
    About 10 mental breakdowns and you will become decent
  • 0
    Good doing what with it —
    Framework or dotNet Core?
    ASP.Net; Classic, WebAPI, MVVC, Blazor, SPA?
    Command line application?
    Windows Application; WinForm, XAML, UWP?
    Windows Services?
  • 3
    @nitwhiz it really depends, it might be 5 if you are a quick study.
  • 2
    @Codex404 I know people who did it in a little over 3.
  • 2
    Around 6 months of hard work
  • 2
    @Lor-inc wait really? That's quite impressive. Or is that just C# without any framework like dotnet or mono?
  • 6
    Age of the language + 5 years for most recruiters
  • 1
    Like anything, 10,000 hours = pro.
  • 2
    Ugh. Feels like a quora question.

    Build 50 things that people actually use and pay money for and you can call yourself an expert.

    Peter Norvig goes with 10 years. https://norvig.com/21-days.html

    I tend to agree.
  • 1
    Crack an interview with this only skill and you consider yourself good at it.
  • 2
    I'd say about three fiddy.
  • 1
    that's a weird question.
    how long does it take to build houses to get good at building houses?
  • 0
    Exactly 8 years.
  • 2
    Friday, because horses don't yeehaw in the winter
  • 0
    I am 40+ and consider myself an expert at a few things in life. Coding is not one of them but I do find it fun.
    Thank you for all the honest answers from the heartfelt respondants. Good stuff. It was just to gauge general opinion for my own curiosity. Everyone learns differently.
  • 2
    You are asking the wrong question. You should ask "how much should I know before I can say that I know it”
  • 1
    @Jameslikestea age of "a thing" + 5 years is roughly the time it takes me to get good at "a thing" as well so i think recruiters are on to something.
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