why do ,,,,,,,,u indians ............ Write like this ,,,,,,,,,,,................... ...... ?? ? ????

  • 13
    In general, people who use 'u' instead of 'you' (or 'r' instead of 'are'). If you want to put so little effort into a conversation, just don't even start it (with me, at least. Very few exceptions).
  • 0
    @linuxxx when it internal conversation withing devs, I do it cause we have to type frequently. But when having chat in official channel or while one on one, I use 'you' or are. Btw I don't see any issue in doing that.
  • 3
    @shiv7071007 Idk, I just can't stand it mostly 😅
  • 8
    @linuxxx or those who write your instead of you are or you're.

    Fucking scumbags
  • 1
    @linuxxx yes, sorry. I can understand how much difficult it would be for those who don't use short forms. And yes it seems little unprofessional.
  • 0
    No idea. Which Indian middle school did you visit?
  • 2
    @linuxxx u can't stand 'u' yet u write idk
  • 0
    @hashedram I know alot of people in their mid 20's doing that, i was doing this when i was probably a teenager but not now. I can obviously see the problem with it.
  • 1
    @CodeMasterAlex I'd consider 'idk' as a quite 'official' shortcut. 'U' not so much, that's just a fucking letter
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