Is is possible to still update Win7 to Win10 for free? I know they dont offer the upgrade option free like they did a couple years ago.

I've read several articles stating a Win7 key will work for Win10. Can anyone verify this still works as of recently? I want to update my main dev machine but want to make sure I dont massively screw it up.


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    Stay away. 🙁
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    Why would you upgrade? Win7 is the best win
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    Free upgrades aren't available anymore AFAIK

    But you can get a win 10 key for like 5 bucks off ebay
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    @Stuxnet There are apparently some really nasty vulnerabilities that have recently been discovered in Windows 7, or so a scary article in my Google news feed (from a couple days ago) claimed.
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    @BobbyTables it's a $5 key... it either works or it don't.

    And no, windows 10 won't accept a W7 key anymore, they had that 12 mo th period at the start to be able to do that, and you could have rolled back but had a W10 for a future use tied to your MS account.
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    @C0D4 Officially it was a 12 month upgrade period, but in practice it worked waaay longer. I successfully did it last year. Maybe it still works, didn't have any Win7 to upgrade recently.
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    @12bitfloat Those are not legit. I mean, they can work, but these are either resold OEMs (EULA forbids this), resold single keys from volume licenses (again, forbidden by license), educational licenses (free, not for sale) etc.
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    Just give it a try. Either the installer will accept the key and proceed to upgrade or it will reject it before touching anything. And as always make reliable backups first. There's a bunch of stuff not related to licensing that can go wrong.
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    I upgraded a laptop a couple of months ago. Then it seemed as if their way of not allowing win 7 to be upgraded anymore was to hide the link from their website only...
    But if you search for and download the upgrade wizard nothing is stopping you and it will glady take your win 7 key and install win 10.
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    @gronostaj Regarding OEM versions, it really depends. AFAIK over here there was a ruling way back in 2000 that permits the sale of those versions, license agreement be damned. So chances are, these are ok, possibly depending on where you live.

    I got like 5 licenses for Win10 in this manner over the years, and none of those has ceased working.

    Another matter are the single-use keys, usually from a corporate volume license. These even often will cease working - but the already installed OS won't be affected by this.

    I got a friend who was too cheap to get a $10 win10 key and instead got one for like $1.50 which worked like that.
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    @gronostaj @BobbyTables I never had any problems with gray market keys. Worst case you wasted 5 dollars. A legit key costs $249 that's just stupid
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    @12bitfloat Well, if your goal is to have a cheap, working, not necessarily legal key, then go for it. My personal opinion is that seller can ask for whatever price they want and I can buy the product or walk away. I don't think intellectual property should be treated differently than a pair of shoes in this aspect.
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    Used win 7 pro key will work with win 10 pro!
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    still available.
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