God damn it lastpass, how the hell do you get a memory leak and an infinite loop in a fucking browser extension?! Using 7GB of RAM and all 8 cores @ 3,4GHz!!

  • 2
    Same shit happened to me a few days ago.
  • 1
    LastPass is the worst
  • 1
    @groxx Do you have an alternative that works just as well? For "critical" passwords I already use KeePassXC, but that is neither portable nor convenient.
  • 3
    @PrivateGER Share the Database through your favorite cloud storage (for portability) and combine it with an offline keyfile (for enhanced security) then.
  • 6
    @PrivateGER did you try Bitwarden? It has an extension as well.
  • 4
    @PrivateGER Was going to recommend Bitwarden as well!
  • 2
    @linuxxx Wait, I can self-host that? Awesome.
    Time to set that up then.
  • 1
    @groxx Already set up BitWarden now. :)
  • 1
    I switched to Bitwarden too a few months ago. Mine's not self-hosted yet but I plan to move to that soon.

    I think that my only problem with it is that it doesn't detect new sites very well yet. I've had to manually add sites that weren't detected by the browser extension.
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