Is it just me or headphones and good music is a must for coding?

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    Nah, just you.
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    Depends. I would say yes if you're doing something for the 20th + time..
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    I have a friend that really can't listen to music during code, so it' safe to say not everybody can handle music whole coding
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    I always prefer listening to FreeCodeCamp radio when I code.
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    Dutch uptempo hardcore 24/7
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    I use headphones to block people around me to have useless conversations with me while I hear all of their chatter.
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    Not when I really need to concentrate and not every kind of music. But yes, otherwise I listen music a lot while coding.
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    @adhddeveloper Dutchie here haha. Underground extra rawstyle ;)
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    Did you go to Supremacy this year? Shit was bomb 😄
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    I much prefer to be pairing with someone awesome, it's really productive.

    Every now and then when we want a music fix we find a cool video and put it on YouTube and enjoy that together before getting stuck in again.

    At the moment we're going through a very 80s Scarface soundtrack vibe!
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    @adhddeveloper Nope, but Gearbox X was fucking amazing! (Met Davide and The Straikerz in person)
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    I sing along out loud, no headphones
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    @linuxxx nice, I'm a bit jelly. But that event is a little to small to motivate the travel from Sweden. 😄 You Dutch are so spoiled with events every weekend and only going if you can take the bike haha.
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    @adhddeveloper Depends on what you like, I guess! I've met people from all over the world (including the US and such) there :)
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    @adhddeveloper Oh and I went by public transportation, by bike is a little too far for me 😅
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    I love wearing my headphones and listening to music as it turns all my farts silent.
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    I always listen to music while coding. Either music or silence, and I won't get silence at my workplace, so I use music to tune out the world.
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    Listen to captain hook - ozora mix.
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    good headphones is a plus
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