
You developed a completly free and open source app that was designed to do A, and it does exactly what it should.

Review from an user (2 stars out of 5):
"I tried it and it just does A, I would prefer it did B.
Thank you, but I will look for a better option. Keep working, you have a lot of potential."


  • 19
    So, this can opener works like a dream right, but I really wish it could also make pizza. 2/5 wouldn’t recommend
  • 8
    Now make a paid version of app that does A and B.
  • 3
    That's actually useful feedback, depending on A and B.

    "I like how handy this mobile phone is at making calls, but I would prefer it also took photos."
  • 2
    @electrineer It's not like that.
    It's a complaint about the fact it does A instead of B.

    So it's more like:
    "I don't like this landline phone because you can make calls… I wanted to take selfies with it".
  • 2
    @JS96 companies pay for feedback like that
  • 0
    That’s good feedback. User told you what he wants instead of writing that it just do A and he don’t like it.
  • 1
    @vane he shouldn't search an app to do A if he doesn't need it.
    So it's not an useful feedback, he's asking to make something completly different.
  • 2
    @JS96 still better then 2 stars without comment.
    Any comment is better then no comment.
    Just compare it to how much actions it takes to write few words compared to click I don’t like it or uninstall app without doing anything.

    People are lazy ignorant bastards, at least I am.
  • 0
    @JS96 Well now I want to know these 2 elusive features. What is it you don't want to do?
  • 1
    @vane people take off time to troll and freebase as well. Some comments are a waste of time and a bunch of negative energies that you'd rather the user just uninstalls the app and leaves no comment behind.
  • 0
    1 can be troll
    2 coincidence
    3 is demand

    still better 1 then 0
  • 1
    @vane if 1 is a waste of my time, I'd take 0.
  • 2

    dev: What do you want?

    user: <this>

    dev: <writes this and puts on app store>

    user: You stole my idea!
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