What to do as a beginner to coding?

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    watching youtube tutorials
    doing tutorials on www.codecademy.com, www.freecodecamp.com and www.scrimba.com
    and visit www.meetup.com and maybe a coworking space which holds events. For example www.impacthub.com

    And if possible learn it together with a friend who holds you accountable.
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    @heyheni 's advice of learning with someone holding you accountable is probably the best one: when learning alone, it's easy to stagnate through procrastination or lack of challenge. Even if that someone doesn't mean with you, try finding someone to hold you accountable.

    I'd suggest starting with something that fits your personality: if you're very result-oriented, python will get you started with the more abstract parts of programming very quickly. If you're more into understanding how the machine understands you and why it behaves certain ways, C has the nice property of forcing you to do everything hands on.

    I wouldn't really recommend JavaScript for first learning because it does a lot of things that don't really make sense and may confuse you as you won't have the tools yet to understand these confusing parts. But if you really want to get into it, Khan Academy has a very interesting website which lets you interact with the course in interesting ways, and it's free
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    Just out of curiosit, what kind of development are you interested in doing?
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    1. Pick a language
    2. Build smth simple with it, like a chat app or a tool to list files.
    3. Extend #2 here and there

    try another language, rinse and repeat
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    Thanks all for the tips. What language is the best for app development?
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    @reversal For app as in Mobile App, Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS. For webapps, Javascript and its billions of frameworks (I think currently Flutter and Vue are the hype) and for native applications Id say maybe C#?

    Also, I disagree with @netikras. I think you should get proficient in one, maybe two languages, rather than dabble in 10 different languages and be a "Jack of all Trades, Master of None'
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    For me there are two essential paths: a) follow your passion and investigate, b) follow a well made tutorial on something you're told is useful
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    @AleCx04 app development for iOS
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    @reversal Do you own a Mac? Because last I checked you need one to do that (at least without a mountain of pain). But on iOS, Swift wins by virtue of being the only one officially supported by the platform. Unless they did some changes I'm unaware of
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    @CptFox yes, I do, but it's quite old, I think 2015
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    @reversal 2015 is a fine vintage, mine is 2015 (pre-"let's solder all the things!") and I would never get a newer Mac due to that same "solder all the things!" policy
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    @CptFox yeah, I love the fact you can upgrade the RAM, it was slow as shit when I first got it
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    Think of a project and stick with it.

    Create a Pokémon database. Sounds easy but it’s quite challenging.
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    there is an app from apple called swift playgrounds which teaches programming in swift.

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    @heyheni thank you sm I'll check it out
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