
Created 'GET STARTED' section in our application in English. It will guide new user to Highlight some App features.

End User started Posting screenshot of it in our feedbacks service : What this is?

Implemented 'GET STARTED' in local languages.

End user started posting screenshot of Language Drop Down, what this is?

Implemented 'GET STARTED' on Location based Language.

End User : I am here in Banglore seeing it in Different Language, my other Partners in Hyderabad are seeing it in different language. What this is?

Removed 'GET STARTED'.

End User : It was a nice feature. Why you removed it? What this is?

May be i over reacted but i am not bringing it back.

  • 9
    You can't solve stupid.
  • 1
    Idk how it works exactly but often webapps decide the language based on browser/system language. I believe that there's a header for it.
  • 1
    @Lor-inc that is different. We used geolocation and based on city state or province decides the local langauges.
  • 4
    @abcdev I travel a lot, but that doesn't mean I speak French, Indian, Flandrian, German, Croatian, Italian or whichever country I try to access the Internet from at that moment. I'd complain too.
    In my opinion this is the ideal language logic:
    Default is system
    There's a drop down, visible but not too annoying, with local language as second option and English as third, rest in alphabetical order.
  • 0
    @Lor-inc that was for only a particular section in application. Rest app follows system language as it should.
  • 3
    @abcdev If you have appropriate language logic in place, why create a second, irritating one for just one feature?
  • 0
    @Lor-inc you are missing the whole point.
  • 0
    @abcdev Yes. I thought it's about client who pays for the entire app to be designed to their taste.
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