Want me to NOT read your fucking article?

'Cause that's how you get me to NOT read your fucking article

(referring to the website creators, not the writer)

  • 6
    I mean at least you can see the text
  • 6
    What's missing for maxxximum reading pleasure:
    The "please login/register" window.
    The top menu that scrolls with you.
    Please install our app window.
  • 1
    @Quirinus medium.com is very good at doing that with the login window, they cover the entire goddamn page with a window on your second visit to the site if you come from Google. Its really irritating
  • 1
    @err-occured yeah, ive experienced medium a few times. I no longer visit it, exactly for those reasons. Also, overall I dont like its content and design.
  • 3
    Reminds me of this article:

  • 1
    Use adblocker and if it's not blocking correctly. You can add custom parts that you want to block. This is one time process for each annoying sites.
  • 0
    @-pthread I'd rather just go to a different website tbh
  • 1
    @err-occured at least its not a ui which makes your eyes bleed.

    You can click it away and there is no other ui overlapping or so
  • 0
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