Can't say how much I hate this new "Feature" in Chrome..

  • 1
    Can it be turned off?
  • 2
    I don't think it's that bad. Earlier it was a lighter and thinner floating like element. I think it's useful when you have like 20 tabs open
  • 1
    @cynider Makes sense in that case, but I feel it should have some delay and a better design. Otherwise it's just an unwanted distraction.
  • 1
    @LOLjustCoding yeah, a delay would be better
  • 2
    I hate it too, now my eyes qre distracted each time I moved my cursor
  • 2
    You can turn it off in the flags options the name should be tab hover cards.
  • 1
    @Cysword hope you don't write your documentation like that cause that answer gave no clue where to find that option..
  • 4
    @LOLjustCoding most devs know the flags page, also this isn't your personal help center. Either take it as is and be happy or dick off and get help elsewhere. The page is under chrome://flags and that's where you'll find the setting, but a three second Google query would have told you that too. I hope you don't research bugs like that, but stackoverflow will do eh?
  • 3
    You can disable it in flags. Just search for 'hover' and disable text pop-ups
    Thank me later :)
  • 0
    @Kimmax lmao.. I'm an Indian yet you seem way more triggered..
  • 3
    @LOLjustCoding no idea where that Indian <-> triggered relation comes from
  • 1
    @Kimmax It's a thing. I'm happy you don't know about it. #IgnoranceIsBliss
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