Which company is least _evil_ IYO: Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook?

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    scnr 😁
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    define "evil company"
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    Interestingly, nowadays I'd say Microsoft is the least evil (to my standards of evil). By how much? Ah well... not a lot.
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    Apple or M$
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    @Root I think they sell $2k radios
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    I guess what I was really asking is, how evil are Apple? To what degree do they work with intelligence agencies and as for Google I ditched chrome for Brave, but am considering switching to Firefox. Can we trust chromium? It's OSS but with it's 850k commits and 3.2GB codebase, that doesn't mean much.
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    @4160Tuesdays a history of violating privacy for their own or governmental agenda
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    Cannot recall any such issues with ms nor apple.
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    @GetToTheChopper Agreed. I have no idea.
    But out of your list, I do believe they're the least evil. If only by a little bit, and probably because they're very good at hiding their shady dealings and privacy violations.

    It's a toss-up between Google and Facebook for the worst offender. Facebook is more overtly evil (and is absolutely bad at hiding it), but Google does plenty that doesn't come to light for years.
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    Wherever possible, avoid all of them.
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    Microsoft maybe
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    @Root me too, although I mainly put down their of known evilness down to their inability to be all that evil. Google is the one company I'd like to completely remove all traces of from my life. Although it's practically impossible thanks to Android and YT 😭
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    @VaderNT I dunno. Microsoft won a pretty huge military contract with the Pentagon.
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    @succyproggy Gates probably has more than 10 billion down the back of his sofa
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    Apple or Microsoft

    What do I know through 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m just going off the fact that they are less invasive privacy wise than Facebook and google.
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    @succyproggy yes. And Apple (of these four my #2 least evil, by a hair's breadth) sucks the Chinese government's cock. Would any of these companies post on /r/AmItheAsshole, 99% of the answers would be ESH ("everyone sucks here").
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    Microsoft or Apple
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    @VaderNT Considering how Microsoft's services (outlook.com, Skype) are one of the few Western ones that are not blocked, they must be sucking just as hard.
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    So I guess I'd say Apple, Microsoft and a tie for the other two.
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    @saucyatom that's fine, I respect your view. We don't need to agree on an "evilness ranking" of companies. 😉
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    Fuck outta here, they all evil bruh 😒😩
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    Probably all the same as they all are selling your Data or Spy on you. Even if you think that Apple does not do that, they still fuck you with right to repair, so that's that.
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    MS has been at it so long it's turned into apathy.
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    out of those, id say apple probably... microsoft seems to at least try to get better, and google and big f are long lost, nothing can save them
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    "If i were to chose between two evils i would rather not chose at all" - Gerald
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    @xaero That's just wrong
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    I'd say from most to least evil Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple
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    Why is apple less evil than microsoft?
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    @Gregozor2121 None of them are entirely without evil and Microsoft don't seem as evil as they once were. Apple making phone encryption the FBI couldn't crack was cool though. Just an opinion.
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    There are ways to crack it already...
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    Top 100 companies for corporate social responsibility reputation - looks like Microsoft is the winner
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    @Override I have conflicting thoughts about some of those companies.

    Is nr1 the worst or the best?
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