It's 3.00 AM.

I'm sittin here debugging a Golang app at an airport.

One part of me is wondering wtf I'm doing with my life and another part is just thankful it ain't JavaScript.

  • 0
    I am grateful for go not being Javascript too, but I never had to code at an airport. Mostly because the network connection was shit so nobody could force me to.
  • 0
    and here i am thinking about just how ugly the syntax of go is even though I do like it haha, never had to code at an airport i usually just go drinking
  • 6
    @AleCx04 Golang is like a pug. Cute and fun to play with, but you can't help whispering in it's ear "who's an ugly boy, who's the ugliest little puppy in the world? Yes, you are!"
  • 2
    @bittersweet its so very ugly man, and this is so weird because I really like working with it. But I can't get people codign in go comparing it in the positive against as if it were miles ahead.
  • 0
    It doesn't feel suitable for a monolithic web backend, or a GUI desktop application.

    But it's my go-to language for quick scripts, CLI tools, lambda functions / microservices, etc.

    In some ways it looks uglier, but at the same time cleaner and faster than anything I could write in Node/express or Python. It might be a pug, but for those use cases it's a very freshly washed pug that could outrun a cheetah.
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