Okay, I have no idea who spreads that semicolon idea but it must be stopped. NOW.



  • 35
    no yeeting of tables please
  • 17
    Must protecc.
  • 14
    ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

    It's okay. We're here for you.

    (⊃ • ʖ̫ • )(・﹏・⊂)
  • 10
    @Jilano @Creep
    rip table (2015-2019)

    had four legs
    smitten by a yeetten
    will be missed
  • 4
    @jesustricks ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
  • 0
    @jespersh no, it does not. I have seen it before but I thought it was some student's thingy and today I seen someone use it again...

    I think these people need help...
  • 2
    which language?
    is it comments?

    because outside of a php.ini file, i ain't ever come across ; as a comment before
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    just seen it PHP which pissed me off. I guess if you scout internet too much you see weird bullshit.

    Before seen it in JS.

    Not .ini but normal .php file.
  • 1
    @DubbaThony normal php?
    a semi colon isn't interpreted as a comment, even multiple in a row


    Although valid is weird to do. But anything after it would be considered a new line.


    Would throw an undefined constant "haha" unless it was a constant 🤦‍♂️

    Got an example?
  • 0

    I know it's techincally valid.
    I mean its annoying to have (or read code example with) semicolon in beginning of next line instead of end of statement.
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    Semicolons for starting a comment were common in assembly language (certainly on both 6502/6510 and 680x0, probably many others as well).
  • 1

    But thats not comment!

    Thats whole point of why it annoyed the hell out of me.

    I repeat, its not a comment, but semicolon after statement ;-;
  • 2
    Only a monster would see this and think it should be followed. Oh brave new world that has such people in it
  • 0
    ; this is lisp style comment
  • 0
    This is the first time that I see this and hopefully also the last time. It's ridiculous.
  • 1
    I've seen

    ;WITH name

    before in SQL (defining a cte)
  • 3
    What the actual fuck is this?
    What kind of insanity level is that?
    Why the fuck I'm crying?
  • 1
    "stopping missing semicolon errors", gone wrong
  • 2
    Well it wasn't a JS dev, they don't know wtf a semicolon is.
  • 2
    @DubbaThony 🤦‍♂️oh, oh sweet Jesus, you can keep the poor soul that wrote that then.
  • 2
    @cfood i think the problem here is the semi colon in every new line before the next statement like below.

    @DubbaThony correct me if I'm wrong.

    ; this-bar()

    # instead of:

  • 0
    @C0D4 The problem is statements as such, I'd rather program in an expression-based language, where, for the most part, semicolons are not required.
  • 1
    @C0D4 yes, that's what I am ranting about

    Please don't do it again though.. My eyes... IT HURTS


    And I would choose PHP.
    Becouse I can and I actually enjoy PHP.
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    And i see that again ;-;

    Yes, i was ranting about exacly, pinpoint THAT.

    Now please, let me not look at it, it hurts me internally
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    That is better, even though its not the correct tool
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  • 1
    Bamboozled by bot 😅
  • 1
    That’s interesting.... I definitely don’t like it, for obviously reasons .. but it does pose one advantage.. you can quickly scan down your code if the semi colon isn’t at the beginning then you know the line above is fucked.. but due to everything else this wouldn’t be feasible since it would hinder readability unless we rethought brackets aswell.
    Again it’s terrible design and who ever did it I hope they don’t always do it but it does bring up something interesting to think about.
  • 0
    @C0D4 MIPS assembly?
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    @QuanticoCEO Which is useless because your IDE will tell you so. Unless you have a weird case like "
    a = 1
    ", but considering that I have never had issues because of a missing semicolon since.. forever I guess, I'd still consider it quite pointless and definitely not worth the decrease in readability. Plus the issue that your statements are now terminated in another line, more likely to introduce issues by making an edit and since not every single line requires a termination, I don't even see how a line without it would be fucked in any case. If you are so terrible that you are considering this, write an Addon for your IDE to highlight every line that doesn't contain a semicolon - effectively the same without completely destroying readability.

    PS: Wow, I can't believe I took this seriously.
  • 0
    Seriously, run that `src` directory through `php-cs-fixer` and you're done.
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