
what if Oxygen is just a poison that takes 75-100 years to kill.

  • 13
    Cut down on it and find it out!
  • 5
    That's why it is 20% of air only. Otherwise it would've been too obvious
  • 7
    Yes, it is. Read something about that.
  • 7
    On its own, oxygen doesn't harm in a timeframe that supports human life but when mixed with Hydrochloric Acid (a chemical compound most food companies lace their products with mind you), it seems to be a common cause of death amongst most life on earth.
  • 1
    Thats what i said before but no one listened
  • 1
    @groxx bag of fools
  • 2
    I died much faster once I stopped talking it tho
  • 2
  • 2
    I spent many years on this, trying to tell everyone... This was futile.
  • 4
    Oxygen is toxic, and was responsible for one of the first mass extinction events. Since then, the global oxygen levels have fallen to a comfortable ~20-21%. Our lives may depend on oxygen, but we also depend on our atmosphere remaining mostly nitrogen. Nitrogen, a very chill and non reactive buddy to have
  • 2
    What about water?

    I wonder if allergy to water exists and that the embryo dies of it before it has a chance to grow.
  • 1
    I can blow air out of both eyes.
  • 2
    we ARE giant groups of tiny internal combustion engines, after all.
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