
I want to print this pic out in enormous size and qty, hang them in many classrooms to show my female friends that it's normal to wear cute skirt and cute shoes while wringing cables on your shoulders.


  • 11
    Actually, women should be wary of these heel things, especially with the elegant pointed look where the toes are. The bill for that takes some decades, but then it's really a bummer.

    Deformed toes become very painful when you grow older, and a surgery won't go too well either for elderly people. My ma is going through this now, and she curses the elegant heel shoes she wore when she was young and careless.
  • 7
    I’d like to own this hardware and a place to store couple of those and money to power it up.
  • 9
    Because a single photo is gonna change that? The women in tech I know wear the same at work as at home. One wears fancy skirts, others wear jeans and other comfy clothes.
  • 1
    normal != comfortable

    It's normal to see dude's in a blazer with khaki pants in class but doesn't make it comfortable or appealing to wear lol

    @Codex404 hits the mail on the head. Ppl dress for comfort over looks these days.
  • 1
    Generally, women in tech etc. YES PLEASE, but please don't wear skirts and somehwat lose shoes in technical environments. Lose, light, clothing gets caught on all sorts of things and shoes are regulated for a reason in most work environments
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop uhhhh are those even heels? They look pretty flat to me
  • 3
    @Kimmax so, skin tight clothing, then? 🤔😏
  • 1
    It is a lovely picture but shows something special in a specific time. In no way does in show any norm (needs a majority for that) it does show possibilities though.
  • 1
    @KimberlyTheGeek not what I said. I'm talking about dresses or skirts that fan out when turning
  • 2
    I am surprised none of you asked me where I get this pic.
    Unless you knew already.
    Here it is :
  • 2
    @cho-uc yeah that’s what I thought 1800 sq foot / 180 sq meter and
    150 kW power supply 27 tons of hardware baby. I would connect it to internet and run website where you could program on it.

    I think it won’t be much harder then writing software for today’s quantum computers.

    documentary about history of this computer and women who were doing it
  • 1
    No woman no communication
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