Is it ok if i create a trello board and create cards quickly without following any type of agile methodology because the project is only for me? I cant spend hours of my time writing exact and precise cards following some standard

Id have cards like Todo Doing and Done

Thats it just so i can keep track quickly and focus most of my time on code

Is this ok

  • 1
    Basically what I do some of the time for my personal projects. Can't always be arsed to convert them to issues when I know what they are :v

  • 3
    If those common methodologies aren't practical in a project you shouldn't use them, so it's fine
  • 3
    Do whatever works for you. I have a card named "v1.0.0" for example where I put cards describing what needs to be finished for v1.0.0. Then I have "In Progress", "Testing" and "Production" cards.

    Here's an example for my current project. Hopefully dR's compression won't fuck it up.
  • 3
    I follow the who, what, why - 3C's or what ever you want to call it.

    Basically each card can be kept small (high level) but each card also identifies "who" it is for, "what" the end result is, and "why" they want it.

    Something like:

    As a ranter,
    I want to block memes,
    so that I can enjoy my devRant experience.

    As to how you can leave that out and document it later,

    Then have your board setup to follow your dev life cycle for example:
    Backlog, scope, in dev, in test, review/sign off, done/production

    But as all things "agile" you can ultimately do what ever you like, there's also a lot of different ways to do agile outside of sprint/kanban
  • 2
    Do whatever works for you. Don't give a fuck about standards until you feel like you need them.
  • 1
    Whatever works for you is the right way to do it
  • 1
    @M1sf3t 🤷‍♂️some people call it the 3 C's I got no idea why 😂
  • 0
    I make a bulleted list in OneNote. When it's for yourself, use whatever you want and to hell with confirming to anything.
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