
27 years old, been in 3 jobs. Hired in a new job. Confidence has went up and down like shit. Life has become more real than ever before.

What have I learned through all these bumpy rides?

Life is journey, it goes up and it goes down. But what you may not realize is that everything that happens to you, is for you to learn.

Happy Friday to everyone in this unknown path, just enjoy that you are alive, can breathe and see things with your magical eyes.

God exists for sure.

  • 3
    Just wanted to mention all this is possible and true without any kind of God. Quit religion now, thank me later :p
  • 0
    Similar situation to you: business is business, play the game or be played, none of it matters anyway. Take time to look after yourself and always make decisions for yourself. Dont let businesses dictate your life. They won't give back what they say they will
  • 1
    FFS, seriously? Someone posts about their positive outlook on life, and everyone's all for it until they mention they believe in God in the last sentence, which immediately seems to trigger the armchair atheist apologists who wish to point out they don't believe in God, with arguments of varying degrees of complexity to back their position up.
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    @AlmondSauce of course, since religion is evil, it has to be argued. It's the same as if somebody would finish their positive message with a racist comment, you have to pinpoint the racism or you are guilty of letting it happen
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    @sick You seriously think someone saying they believe in God as a closing comment is equivalent to someone signing off with "btw all blacks should die?!"
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    @TheCommoner282 Of course it's a free country. That's why he's allowed to state his belief in God, you're allowed to disagree, and I'm allowed to publicly chastise you for assuming his belief is inherently harmful, assuming his faith is Christian and claiming he's part of a "group of wankers".
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    Congrats on the new job! It can really feel great to land somewhere where you feel appreciated and excited about the future. For sure can be a huge confidence boost.

    God is a delusion.
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    @TheCommoner282 I certainly don't deny there's things I won't let stand without opposition. I don't know anything about you, so (religious views aside) I couldn't say whether we were alike or not, so I'm not sure how you've managed to come to that conclusion based on this one interaction.
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    @AlmondSauce no, it's not equal to say "all blacks should die" but it's similar to "also, I support kukluxklan"

    Also, let it be a free country or not, there's no such thing as tolerance for the intolerant, no need to give freedom to those who use it to cut freedom of others, like religion tends to do everywhere around the globe. so I don't see a reason for letting religious statements to be uncommented in sake of tolerance.

    (yet ofc OP might not be intolerant, maybe even his religion in particular isn't, but it's a general issue to argue against religion..)
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    @sick Believing in a god is equivalent to supporting the KKK?! Damn. I thought I'd heard it all.

    You even admit you have no idea how tolerant he is, what his personal beliefs are, or what religion he belongs to.

    Sounds very much like you're being the intolerant one here.
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    @TheCommoner282 Ah, the old "My intelligence is clearly too much for you to fathom" argument.

    Have a nice weekend.
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    "I believe that from a more neutral perspective, we two in these few comments look very much the same. So it is a question of perspective, not intelligence."

    Gotcha. Apologies for getting the wrong end of the stick there.
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    I'm not religious. But it's just hard to to believe in void when the world is so balanced. You have eyes you can see, ears to hear, brain to think, and hands to do stuff. Life in itself is just amazing, have you ever asked yourself what it is? How something that doesn't exist depends on something that exists?

    Life depends on our physical being, but it cannot be touched.

    Again, you are free to believe in what you want. But don't neglect the art of the world as coincidence or randomness.
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